Chapter 13: Let The Hate Begin

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*Lori's POV*

Finally, I could date Harry and not have any drama, or that's what I thought. Harry and I sat on the couch, I was all cuddled into him, it was so nice.

"Harry, pass me the Mac." I said.

He handed me the laptop and I logged into Twitter.

"Are you sure you want to do that?" Harry asked.

I ignored his question and went along with what I was doing. Of course, he was right.

"Go die. No one likes you. You hurt Harry." Some girl tweeted.

"Honestly, you are such a cow. I'm shocked you haven't suffocated him yet." Someone else said.

"You're the reason I cut." Someone else said.

"You're the reason I want to die." Another person said.

*Harry's POV*

I was reading the tweets over Lori's shoulder and they were nasty. I was shocked she kept reading them. They were really disgusting.

"Hey Kat! Rachel! You guys are tagged in these." Lori called out.

"I know!" Rachel called back.

Kat ran into the room and ran to Lori. She laid her head on Lori's shoulder and was sobbing.

"What happened babe!?" Lori asked.

I took the laptop and looked through the tweets. They were actually sickening.

"Kat, breath what is happening?" Lori asked.

Niall ran in and sat next to Kat. He was in a towel.

"Why are you crying?" Niall asked as Kat switched to his shoulder.

Kat took out her phone and showed us the most disgusting tweet.

"No wonder you are an only child, you are such a disappointment to the world. Why would your parent's want another you?" 

Niall got pissed.

*Niall's POV*

Kat was crying. Those sick girls have no idea what even happened. Kat's parents were in a car accident with her younger brother and sister. Kat was with her grandparents. Her brother and sister were killed on impact because of their size. I took out my phone and went on twitter.

"Do you think you're cool? I hope you're happy that Kat is now crying." I tweeted to that girl.

"You guys aren't fans at all. I don't see one nice tweet. You guys need to stop ganging up on the girls." I tweeted to everyone.

I took a picture of Kat sobbing and posted it.

"This is your fault." Was the caption.

I looked over at Lori and she was tearing up too. She knew Kat's siblings, and was close with them.

*Harry's POV*

"Don't cry baby." I said as I held Lori.

"I hate your fans. I'm sorry but I really do. They are mean." She cried.

I took out my phone and did what Niall did.

"I hope you guys are happy. You made 2 of the girls cry. I really hope you're happy." I tweeted.

"If you guys don't care about our happiness, why should we care about yours? Maybe we should cancel tour." I also tweeted.

"I second that." Liam tweeted.

"Me too." Zayn tweeted.

"My girl is crying too, good job assholes." Louis tweeted.

"Get your acts together or we are done, and it will be your faults." Niall tweeted.

Louis and Rachel came into the room because Rachel was crying too. Now we were all cuddling with our girls and it was because of our "fans".

"Don't worry girls. I think they should stop." Niall said.

Rachel held up her phone to Louis as Lori did to me as Kat did to Niall.




"Are they serious!?" Louis yelled.

"Where are Liam and Zayn?" Rachel asked.

At that moment Liam and Zayn kicked the door open and held 5 containers of icecream.

"We have Cookie n' Cream." Zayn smiled.

"How did you know that those were our favorites?" Kat asked.

"Who doesn't love Cookies n' Cream?" Liam laughed.

The girls opened the containers and Zayn handed out spoons. I shared with Lori, Kat share with Niall and Rachel with Louis. Liam and Zayn got their own container.

"Well what are we going to do to prove that we are serious?" Louis asked.

"You guys can't actually quit." Lori said.

I took out my phone and called Paul.

"Hey Paul, I'm sorry that this is making your job so much worse, but we are skipping tomorrow's concert. These fans think it's okay to be mean and nasty, we won't perform." I said.

"No, you guys are going on and won't sing until you see a difference. You will have your phones out and checking twitter while sitting on chairs." Paul said.

"Okay, thanks Paul. You're the best." I said and I hung up.

I told them the plan and they all agreed. Tomorrow should be fun.

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