Chapter 23: Kicking and Screaming

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*Kat's POV*

"Ending One Direction!?" I screamed as I slammed the door.

We heard the front door open and heels hit against the ground. Anne and Lori's mom were back.

"The girls are over reacting. Can you take Darcy and go to Gemma's tonight?" I heard Harry ask Anne.

I looked over at Rachel and Lori and we were all still fuming.

"What happened?" Anne asked.

"The girls are crazy." Niall said.

I swiftly opened the door and walked towards the boys.

"We are crazy!?" I yelled.

Everyone just stared at me.

"The boys want to end One Direction to focus more on us!" I screamed. 

Lori's mom walked in with Darcy sleeping.

"You guys need to figure this out. We are going to Gemma's." They said as they walked out the door.

"You guys have no respect for your fans!" Rachel yelled.

"We are doing this for you girls!" Louis said.

"No you aren't! You guys can't stop being One Direction. What will this prove? Quitting One Direction? What would happen?" Lori asked.

"We would have more time to be normal. We could be a normal family. We would have more time for you girls. The hate would stop. We could have privacy." Harry said.

"You guys can never be normal! Once you are famous you are never forgotten, especially being the biggest boy band in history. We can't be normal! There might be more time but we have so much time together on tour already. We work for you guys, remember?" Lori snapped.

"And getting less hate!? We will get more hate than ever! They will all blame us for One Direction breaking up. We will get more hate than ever!" Rachel screamed.

"And privacy? You think we will get privacy!? Anywhere we go, the paps will always be there! We can't ever have privacy! It's the life you chose! You can't change it!" I yelled.

I looked at the other girls to make sure I wasn't the only one crying, and thank god I wasn't.

"We know you don't want to break up, we know that you still want to perform. Don't end your dream because it's what you think we want." Lori said as she wiped a tear away.

"That was our dream. Was. Now you are our dreams." Niall smiled.

"But... but." I said.

We knew they wouldn't listen to us. They were too stubborn. 

"How about this. We will see if our minds change by the end of tour." Harry said.

"Whatever." We answered.

The boys walked into the back room, leaving us alone again.

*Liam's POV*

I looked at Zayn and saw the look in his eyes. He had the same exact thought as me.

"So when tour ends, One Direction ends also." Louis said.

I felt my heart break again. How could they want One Direction to end? I played along in the beginning, thinking the girls would change their minds but it wouldn't work.

"You really want to do this?" Harry asked.

"Of course not but we need to." Niall said.

"They need us." Louis said.

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