Chapter 8: Jealousy And A Little Fun

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*Kat's POV*

"Lori!" I heard Taylor scream.

I heard Louis' laugh and I think I heard 2 or 3 people fall off the bed.

"What the hell?" Niall asked as we walked into the room.

Taylor was crying and Liam and Zayn were on the floor laughing hysterically. Louis and Rachel were laying on the bed out of breath and crying because they were laughing so hard. Harry was red in the face, trying to hold back the laughter. Tears were forming because he couldn't laugh because Taylor would flip. But when I saw Lori on the verge of peeing herself, I knew she did something.

"What the hell happened?" I asked standing over Liam.

"Lori... fell.. off... the..." Rachel tried to say.

"And... than... Boo!" Zayn said.

I was watching Lori, she could barely stand because of how hard she was laughing. I knew she pulled something good.

"That bitch scared me!" Taylor screamed as she got up to run out of the room.

I looked at Harry and he let it all out. He was laughing up a storm.

"Harry!" Taylor yelled.

He wiped his eyes and ran out of the room.

"Phew." Lori said.

The boys started bowing down to Lori.

"You are god!" They chanted.

"Get up you losers." Lori laughed.

"Now what?" Liam asked sitting up.

"Pool?" Niall suggested.

"Alright." We all agreed.

Niall kissed me goodbye and Louis kissed Rachel.

"Did you guys even get soda?" Rachel asked looking through her bag for her bikini.

"Um, no." I said looking away.

"Why did you go for a walk than?" Lori asked.

"If I tell you, you guys can't hate me." I said.

"We could never hate you." Lori said.

"Just tell us!" Rachel said.

"Well, um management..." I didn't even get to finish my sentence.

"They like you, don't they?" Lori asked.

I just looked down. Lori grabbed her bikini and walked to the bathroom, not even looking at me. 

"Turn around." Rachel said.

I turned around as Rachel changed.

"Are you mad?" I asked.

"I can't be mad. It's not your fault they like you." She said.

"I don't get it though. How am I different from you or Lori?" I asked.

"I don't know." She answered.

"Are you done changing?" I asked.

"Oh yeah." She said.

I turned around and looked through my suitcase for my bikini. I waited for Lori to get out so I could change.

*Lori's POV*

Why did Kat get what she wanted? She is no different from me or Rachel. She is a normal girl, not a model, or singer, or actress. This made no sense.

"Lori?" Kat asked knocking on the door.

I couldn't talk to her. I know I would say something I didn't mean. I opened the door and pushed past her. I went to my bag and grabbed my towel. I saw that Rachel was in her pink bikini and I was in my blue one, so we both left, not waiting for Kat. We walked into the hallway, running into the boys.

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