Chapter 7: Turning Point

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Taylor snapped at Harry.

"Let's go Harry! My bags aren't going to carry themselves!" She said.

The other boys just looked at me and Rachel. I hated how she treated him.

"Taylor. He isn't your slave. Carry your own bags you lazy piece of shit." I said.

I didn't actually mean to say it.... I was just suppose to think it. It felt so great saying it out loud though. Everyone looked at me. I got different reactions from everyone. The boys of course all gave me the "Damn Africa" look. Rachel gave me the "Bitch Mode On" look. Harry gave me the "Don't Make It Obvious" look. Taylor gave me the best look of all if I do say so myself. Her reaction made my life. She gave me the "What Crawled Up Your Ass" look. That look didn't work for her though. She looked like she was punched in the boob... well the place her boobs should have grown in years ago and than got run over by a bus. It was kind of a funny sight.

"Excuse me?" She asked.

"Carry your own luggage. Your manly arms have to be good for something." I said.

Everyone started laughing.

"Yeah well, well, you're ugly!" She said back.

"Really? I'm ugly? Good come back. Where did you get that? A 2 year old?" I laughed.

"I got it from your ugly mom." She said.

"See, I would find that offensive but because it isn't true, it doesn't really affect me." I said.

"Let's go Harry. I need to fix my hair." She said, knowing she couldn't fight back.

I help my finger up to my lips to tell everyone to stay quiet.

"I wouldn't really worrying about my hair if I had a face like yours!" I called out to her.

In the hallway we heard an angry scream. I knew I got her pissed. I looked at Harry in disbelief.

"Really Harry? She is sleeping in your room?" I asked.

"I'm sorry. I just didn't want anymore fighting." He admitted.

"Paul won't allow it anyway." Liam added.

"She will be back in here in no time." Niall said.

"Not if we lock her out." Rachel smiled.

We heard knocking on the door and we all looked at each other knowing that the devil was behind the door. Niall manned up and opened the door. There was no devil behind the door, just my other best friend.

"Kat!?" I screamed running to her.

"Lori!" She yelled embracing my hug.

"What are you doing here!?" I asked shocked.

"This marshmellow wanted to see me." She said huggning Niall.

"Well, look at her. Can you blame me?" Niall blushed.

"Kat you remember Rachel right?" I said introducing them again.

"Of course!" Kat said hugging Rachel.

Kat had about 8 suitcases.

"Kat, why do you have suitcases?" I asked her suspicously.

"I'm going to be with you guys for a month or two. Maybe the whole tour." She said.

"Niall?!" I looked at him shocked.

"Say hello to our new photographer!" He smiled.

I looked at Kat and she was smiling so wide. We screamed and hugged until we heard Taylor screaming for Harry.  At this moment everyone knew what was going on between me and Harry. 

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