Chapter 11: Worrying

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*Liam's POV*

We got comfortable on the bed and she cuddled up next to me. I wrapped my arm around her and I put on the tellie to find a Friends marathon. 

"Liam, I know this shouldn't be happening but I'm..." Lori started.

She got cut off when Paul walked into the room. Lori moved away from me and we sat up.

"Hey Paul." I said.

"Well you two. I talked to management. They want you to date. And considering the fact that you two are halfway there, now you can be public about it." He said.

"Oh, joy!" Lori said.

"Okay you two. Have a good night." Paul said and he left.

"So what now? Are we going to go public?" I asked.

"I don't know. I didn't think this would happen." She answered.

"Wait, what were you going to tell me before Paul walked in?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, well, I'm starting to get feelings for you.." She said.

She was falling for me. I was falling for her too. Harry already hated me, now what?

"What about Harry?" I asked.

"I still have feelings for him. But he is done with me. And I'm not going to wait around for him." She said.

"What about if he tries to change your mind?" I asked.

"Than we will worry about that then." She said.

"So do you want to be my girlfriend?" I asked.

"I would love too." She said.

We cuddled into each other and I kissed her. 

*Lori's POV*

I don't know what is happening but I'm falling for Liam. I mean if Harry doesn't want to be with me than I will find someone who treats me better.  

"Liam?" I asked while I was cuddling into him.

"Yeah babe?" He answered.

"What if this goes farther than we want it to?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He asked confused.

"What if we start liking each other more than expected? Like what if we like, fall in love or something?" I asked getting worried. 

"Than we will just let it be. We can't fight our feelings for each other if it comes to that." He said with a smile on his face.

"What if Harry tries to win me back? What if I fall for him again?" I ask.

"Than I won't hold you back." He said.

"Liam, I'm glad I have you." I said.

"I'm glad I have you too." He said and than he kissed my head.

He was such a sweet guy. I fell asleep with his arms wrapped around me. It was so nice. I was woken up by fighting but I didn't show I was awake. It was Harry and Liam and they were whisper fighting.

"How dare you date her!" Harry whispered in an angry tone.

"Paul told us we should date, he said management approves it. She agreed to it. She likes me. Harry, you treated her horribly. You broke up with her!" Liam replied.

"I broke it off with her because I thought you and her were sneaking around behind my back! I walked into the room where you guys had the whipped cream fight. You were on top of her and when I walked in she said she loved you. You guys seemed so serious. I didn't know it was fake. I broke it off before she broke my heart." Harry said.

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