Chapter 25: To Prove One's Love

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 "Lori's POV*

It's been 3 weeks since Kat has been gone. Niall has been a mess. He has been sad and moody and I haven't seen him smile once. Girls have been throwing themselves at him and he just walks away. He knew he was wrong. He didn't want anything or anyone other than Kat. Tonight is the boy's first concert since Darcy was born. Little does Niall know, Kat will be in the crowd tonight. 

"Lori, can you please tape our concert tonight?" He begged.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I will say something that I want to send to Kat." He said.

"Alright." I agreed.

I did the boys hair and we got into a circle. Harry was holding Darcy as we all joined hands around him. We all wished for the best. Harry kissed Darcy and handed her to me. They ran to their positions as the show started. They sang their usual set up. I peaked out into the crowd and saw Kat in the front row. I looked to Niall and realized he still hasn't noticed her. 

*Niall's POV*

It was almost time to sing Little Things. Don't mess this up Niall. This is for Kat. She needs to know how sorry I am.

"Okay. I need all of you to stay quiet while I do this. I'm serious. Please just stay quiet." I said.

The boys all sat on stools and I looked to Lori and the light on the camera turned on. This was the moment to prove my love for Kat. I looked out into the crowd and all eyes were on me.

"About a month ago, I let go of the love of my life. I told her that I wasn't ready to settle down. I didn't trust myself being on tour. I didn't trust myself around other girls. I didn't want to hurt her. I have never seen someone cry so hard." I said.

*Kat's POV*

I couldn't handle his voice with these words. I felt myself getting all emotional. I had to go outside. I couldn't handle it. I was halfway out of the crowd but I couldn't force myself to leave. I couldn't miss what he was going to say.

*Niall's POV*

The lump in my throat warned me that I was on the verge of tears.

"I didn't even tell her to her face. She over heard me say it to the boys." I said as a tear fell.

"She left the next day. That night she went into a different room than where everyone else would be sleeping. I walked in and talked to her, I couldn't change her mind. I climbed into the bed and wrapped my arms around her. I felt her shaking the whole night, trying to fight the tears. I knew that those tears were because of me. I knew she was hurting because of me. I hated myself. I still hate myself. I messed up big." I said.

I turned towards Lori and than back to the crowd.

"Kat, I love you more than anything in the world. I know you are the one I want. I know that no other girl can take your place. No girl can ever mean as much to me as you do. No girl will ever make me feel this way. I want you forever and always. I want to wipe your tears away. I want to kiss you everyday. I want you! I want you and no one else!" I said.

I dropped my head into my hands and everything was silent. I heard some sniffles and coughs but no one moved. I didn't lift my head. I couldn't look back out to the crowd. I turned to walk off the stage.

*Kat's POV*

He was going to leave. He needed to know I forgave him. It was still quiet.

"I love you Niall!" I screamed.

He didn't even look out into the crowd, he just waved.

"Nialler!" I called. 

He still thought I was a fan. 

"Niall! Look at me! Please!" I cried.

*Niall's POV*

One fan kept calling my name. I couldn't look at her, she sounded too much like Kat.

"Niall! Just look at me!" She begged.

I could hear the hurt in her voice. I turned and saw the spot light shining down on the spot where the girl was screaming.

"Niall!" She jumped and waved.

"Kat?" I whispered.

I saw her beautiful smile spread across her face. 

"Kat!?" I called out. 

*Kat's POV*

Before I knew it Niall was pushing through the crowd. No one even tried to stop him to get an autograph or anything. They knew he needed to hold me. Niall stopped right in front of me. Everyone backed up so there was a clear spot on the floor. Niall stood there, his big beautiful eyes staring into mine. I could feel the tears streaming down my face. I heard little beeps and I realized people were recording this moment. I couldn't stay away much longer. I ran into his arms and it felt so right. He picked me up and spun me around.

"I have missed you so much." He said as he snuggled into my neck.

"I have missed you too." I cried holding onto him as tightly as possible.

We stayed in that position for what seemed like hours. Out of no where we hear Little Things playing. Niall turned his head, not wanting to go back up. 

"This is for Kat and Niall." Liam said.

"And for my fiance, Lori." Harry also said.

"And Rachel!" Louis called.

Niall and I watched as Harry ran off stage to get Lori. Lori and Harry were going to slow dance with Jade in their arms. Louis ran to the side and grabbed Rachel. The boys kept their head sets on so when it was their turn to sing, they could. Zayn started the song and the slow dancing began.

*Lori's POV*

Harry has never looked at me this way before. His eyes sparkled more than ever and he had a grin on his face the whole time.

"What?" I asked.

"It's just, I can't believe that this is our family. I have the most beautiful fiance ever and my daughter is perfect." He smiled.

I could feel my cheeks getting red. He still knew how to make me blush.

"Only 8 months until tour is over. Than we are getting married." He smiled.

"8 months." I smiled back. 

*Rachel's POV*

Louis never knew how to dance. He kept stepping on my feet and shaking. 

"Louis, relax." I whispered.

"I'm sorry. You know that I can't dance." He said.

"Just go with the song." I smiled. 

He listened to what I said and before we knew it, he was going along with the music. We were actually slow dancing.

*Niall's POV*

I loved seeing that smile upon her face. She had the most gorgeous smile. I never want to let her go.

"Kat, will you be my date to the wedding in 8 months?" I asked.

"That's so far away." She said shocked.

"So?" I asked.

"You think we can make it?" She winked.

"We can make it." I smiled.

She stood on her tippy toes and kissed me. It felt so nice. 

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