Driving Me Mad

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enj. :>


Two university students were doing a small road trip. After the most nerve wracking exam week, they finally had the time to have some rest and enjoy themselves.

Driving a three hour travel towards a small cottage located somewhere in the suburbs outside the city. A reservation they have made a day before their hell of an exam week occurred.

The moment they got back to their dorm room after eating lunch, like the speed of light they packed up all necessary things and left before one of their friends got to them and ask them to go out for the rest of the afternoon.

They have been on the road for more than an hour or so, beautiful trees and broad landscapes surrounded the road. It was truly a sight to see, especially for those who loves hiking and going to small adventures in the wild. But the pale boy who sat on the passenger seat seemed to have found the man driving beside him more interesting than the scenery.

"You know, if I knew that you would rather stare at me than these trees then I would've just locked us inside our dorm room and stripped for you." Kongpob says with a smirk on his face, his eyes fixed on the road.

"Staring? Who says I'm staring at you?" Arthit defends himself after abruptly turning his head to face the window. A little embarrassed for getting caught.

"I already caught you red handed Arthit." Kongpob says teasingly, "with the way you stare at me, I get the confirmation that I am in fact delicious."

Arthit rolls his eyes at the other.

"I might have saved a whole ass country because the gods gave me their descendant as a boyfriend." He replies with a teasing tone.

Kongpob grows a little silent from the comment, feeling his cheeks burning a little. Arthit loved this though, seeing the slight shade of red on the other's honey toned cheeks. It was nice to know that he can also make the other person shy. But he knows oh so well of the other thing that he can cause to the other boy. An evil yet seductive smirk appears on his seemingly innocent face.

"And what can I say, seeing you drive like that does things to me. But.."

"But what?" Kong asks with an eyebrow raised, his eyes fixed on the road.

"Sad that you can't stare at me the same."

Kongpob turns his eyes for a short while to look at his boyfriend with a confused look but immediately turning his head back on the road.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing, nothing." Arthit says, the smirk not leaving his face.

"It sure is hot today huh?" The pale boy adds, slowly opening his shirt by three buttons. Exposing the pale milky skin hiding underneath. Kong who wasn't aware of what his boyfriend was doing, reached out for a bottle of water and handed it to his lover.

"Here, drink this." He says, making Arthit roll his eyes but still take the offered bottle. Then another idea pops into Arthit's mind. He slowly opens the cap and gulps into the content. Letting some of the water pour down on himself.

Kongpob turns his head a little at him, eyes enlarging at the sight of the very wet Arthit sitting next to him. Water trickling down beautiful pale neck. The drenched shirt sticking onto the pale skin. The water making his exposed chest glisten from the sunlight. Kongpob gulps hard at the sight.

"Oops." He says before putting back the bottle cap and placing it in the cup holder.

"Kong, eyes on the road." The pale boy scolds the other with an eyebrow raised, pointing his finger at the other thing that's seeking his full attention.

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