You Should Die

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(Kokichi POV)
*Flashback in a dream*

Everything was dark. I couldn't see anything nor hear anything. Where am I? Why can't I see anything. Where is everyone?

I saw *them* they hit me and told me I was weak. They said that I'm nothing.

Shumai told me they aren't real but it's so hard to believe that.

They hit my ribs. I'm pretty sure it was broken.

They told me no one would care if I died.

They said "If you committed suicide, no one would care." And then they left.

I tried it. I cut once 'worthless' I cut a second time 'brat' I cut a third time 'disgusting' I cut a fourth time 'trash' I cut a fith time 'gay whore'

It hurt so much I'll admit but at the same time, it was so relaxing. At this point I was to far gone to stop. I blocked out all the noise and continued to cut.

I started to feel lightheaded. I saw black spots. I passed out.

The next thing I new, I was at the local hospital. I had an IV in my arm and Shuichi was sitting in a chair next to my bed.

He looked so worried.

Does he care about me?

No. He doesn't. Hes just taking pity on me.

But he seemed so concerned.

No! He doesn't like you. He's taking pity on you.

Get that through your head!

Yeah! He doesn't care about me.

I love angst
242 words

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