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"April are we taking the same car today?" Jackson asks. "Because if we are we should take your car because mine needs gas."
"Yeah, we can take my car," April answers walking out of Harriets room. Samuel walks out of his room to meet with his parents for breakfast.
"Mom, when do I get to start school?" Samual asks April.
"Well let's see I think that the school year just ended for the big kids when they start in September you will get to go too," April answers with a smile.
"Really." He asks filled with excitement. "I can't wait!"
"Wait for what?" Jackson  asks as he comes in carrying Harriet.
"For preschool," April says looking up at him.
"Oh ok are we ready to go? Jackson asks April and Samual nod their heads in wind and start heading out the door. Jackson puts Harriet in her car seat while April helps Samual get into his car seat. Jackson gets into the drivers seat and April gets into the passenger seat.
When they arrive at the hospital Jackson gets out of the car first to grab Samuel. He brings him over to the other side of the car to meet his mom.
"Ok go with mommy to daycare and I'll pick you up," Jackson says to Samuel.
"Ok," Samuel says grabbing his moms hand.
"Love you," Jackson says to April as his kisses her.
"Love you too," she says back. Jackson heads to the board meeting while April takes Samual and Harriet to day care.
Later that day April paged Jackson to the daycare center. This kind of stuff didn't happen very often so he stopped what he was doing to go see. When he arrived he saw April laughing and was even more confused.
"You paged?" Jackson asks April.
"Yea watch this, sit down I'll show you." April says. Jackson sits down next to his wife. April sets Harriet down on her feet across from them and starts motioning for her daughter to come to her. Harriet starts to take a step towards her mom but falls down.
"It's ok we'll try again." April picks Harriet back up to try again. This time Harriet takes three steps before falling.
"What, good job baby," Jackson says on the verge of tears he was so happy. Jackson picks Harriet up and hugs her while looking over at April who was just as happy as he was. All of a sudden something even more unexpected happened. Harriet started clapping and saying the word yeah. Which was weird because they had never taught her that. Jackson looks over at April with a surprised look on both of their faces.
"Man today was a day of many firsts," April says. "Samuel asked about his first day of school, Harriet started walking and clapping and talking some how."
"Dang!!" Jackson says with a smile from ear to ear.

Full family; Japril Love and family storyWhere stories live. Discover now