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"Jackson can you take Sam to day care, I have to take Harriet for her 12 month checkup," April yells from the other room.
"Yeah, hey can you pick them up tonight I have a that huge surgery I've been planning for days for," Jackson reply's.
"Yeah," April says as she leans on for a kiss. Jackson picks up Samual and kisses his wife.
"I will see you later," Jackson says as he grabs his keys from the hook  and walks out the door.
April smiles and shakes her head "I told him he would like the hook."
April throws the diaper bag onto her shoulder and picks up the baby carrier. She walks towards the door when she realizes sh left her phone on the charger. She turned around and set her daughter back on the table to run and grab her phone.
"I can tell this day is going to be long," April whispers to herself and she walks out the door.
After Harriet's checkup April takes her to daycare. On the way she runs into Jackson.
"How's my baby," he says taking Harriet out of her hands.
April smiles and answers, "Well her weight is good, her reflex's are good, the normal stuff was all fine, but the doctor did say she was going to be a short girl like me."
"That's fine she doesn't need to be an athlete, she's going to be a surgeon just like me," Jackson says smiling at his little girl.
"Hey don't forget about me I'm a surgeon too," April says smacking Jackson on the arm.
"Sorry," he says with his pearly white smile.
"Ok, I have to run her it can you wait for me out here," April says as they stop in front of the daycare door.
"Yeah" Jackson says leaning against the wall.

Full family; Japril Love and family storyWhere stories live. Discover now