2 Weeks

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April comes back out of the door a few minutes later. She grabs Jackson's hand and they start walking down the hallway.
"You know it's been 2 weeks since the last time right?" Jackson asked his wife.
"No, has it really been that long?" April says turning towards Jackson. "How long do you have until your next surgery?"
"About 30 minutes," Jackson says as he grabs April's hand again. He starts to run quickly dragging April behind him. When they made it to the closest on call room the quickly got in and locked the door. Jackson pulled his shirt off and started kissing his wife. April pulled her shirt off and threw it to the ground. Jackson picked her up with one arm and carried her to one of the beds. This reminded her of when he did the same thing in the bathroom at their boards. This really made her happy so she went all in.
Later that day Jackson and April were both working when they both got paged to the daycare center. This had never happened before so of course they both stopped what they were doing and rushed there. When they got there they saw their son sobbing with a tissue to his nose. He ran right to them when he saw them.
"What happened Samual?" April asked as she picked him up to cuddle him. One of the daycare workers answered.
"One of the kids threw a block and it hit him it the head pretty hard. A few minutes later his nose started bleeding and it freaked him out."
"Ok we should take him just so someone can look at him," Jackson suggests.
"Yeah," April says agreeing. April and Jackson take Samual up to the peds floor where they meet Arizona.
"Hey you paged me?" Arizona asks them.
"Yeah some kid threw a block at Sam and then a few minutes later he had a bloody nose. So, we thought we would bring him here to get him checked out," April tells her.
"Yeah I can do that. It wasn't my kid was it?" Arizona answers.
Jackson answers, "We don't know who it was, but I don't think Sophia would do that."
"Yeah," April says in agreement.
"Can I take you," Arizona says with her hands out. She takes him and puts him on the examination table. She lays him down and does a quick and easy exam. When she finishes she steps back.
"It looks like he is fine if anything his nose started to bleed because he was crying so much," Arizona says reassuring them that he was fine.
"Ok thanks for looking at him," April says.
"Oh yeah no problem any time," Arizona says with a smile.
"Hey, is there anyway you could take him back to daycare I left surgery and I would like to check on the patient?" April asks Jackson.
"Yeah of course," Jackson answers April and he takes Samual out of her arms. He then sets Sam down on the ground so he could walk with him.

Full family; Japril Love and family storyWhere stories live. Discover now