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It was use a few weeks before Christmas when Jackson and April took their kids to the mall to see Santa. They both made sure to get the night off so they could both be there with Samuel and Harriet.
"Samuel come here and get dressed!" April calls for her son. "You nee to look nice for your pictures." Samuel came rushing into his room to put on his red and black shirt and nice black pants. A few minutes later after Samuel was dressed an starting to get his shoes on Harriet comes running in the room with Jackson following behind her.
"Hi baby are you ready to get dressed," April says with a smile picking up her daughter. April takes Harriet into her room to put on her fancy little dress and the matching bow. When she was finished getting her dressed she set her down on the ground and lead her out the door.
"All right guys are we already to go," Jackson says picking up his daughter and taking his sons hand.
"Yep alright guys go with Daddy to the car I will be out in just a minute," April says going back into her room. She went back to get a tiny little necklace that meant a lot to her. This necklace had been a Christmas tradition in her family or many years. The youngest Daughter of the family would wear the necklace for Christmas photos. The necklace was a beautiful silver chain with a little silver wreath charm. She was hopeful that her daughter would cooperate and wear it. April went out to get int the car with her family.
"Alright guys you is ready to see Santa!" April says turning around to face her kids.
"ME!" Samual says screaming as loud as he can raising his hand. Just after Harriet puts up he little hand imitating her brother.
"Great lets go," Jackson says putting the car in revers to back out of the driveway.
When they arrive at the mall Jackson takes out his kids out of their car seats while April goes to the back of the car to take out the stroller. When Jackson is finished he meets April at the back to set Harriet in the stroller. April takes Samuels hand while Jackson pushes the stroller. The get into the mall to find the line to see Santa is extremely long. She looks over at Jackson with a worried look.
"It's ok I will stand in the line and you can take the kids to the playground," Jackson says trying to calm down his wife.
"Ok I will also try to get this necklace on Harriet." April says going to kiss Jackson. "Thank you just call me when  you get close."
"You got it love you," Jackson says in return. April takes her kids to the play just a few minutes away from the Santa setup. April chose a spot in the playground to sit and watch Samuel go and play. She let her son go play but warned him to be careful before hand. The next thing she did was reach into her pocket to get the necklace.
Better do this before I forget. She thinks in her head she pulls out the sparkling necklace out of her pocket an unbuckled it. She wrapped her arms around Harries neck to put it on and clipped it.
"Well that was  easier than I thought" April says to her daughter going to lift her out of the stroller.
"Samuel come here please," April calls.
"Yes mommy," Sam says coming up to April.
"Hey can you stay closer by me so I can see you also so you can protect Harriet from some of the big kids ok," April says putting Harriet down next to her. Not long after April's phone rang.
"Hello," April says.
"Hey I am about 5 people away from the front if you want to start heading over," Jackson said over the phone.
"Ok thanks we will be there in just a second bye," April says back. "Samuel it's time to go." she says to her son as she lifts Harriet back into the stroller. Samuel grabs April's hand and they start walking back to Jackson. When they get back to him they are now only three people away from the front. She sets the stroller aside and grabs Harriet out of it. When it was their turn to go April set Harriet down on Santa's lap and Jackson helped Sam up also. a first Harriet didn't know what to think because this year was the first year she actually understood what was going on because the year before she was only a few months old.
"Hi kids what would you like for Christmas?" The mall Santa asked.
"Hi Santa I would like some trucks oh and an IPad please," Samuel asked really exited.
"Oh that sounds cool and what would you like little lady?" The guy asked Harriet.
"This is my little sister she can't talk yet but I think she likes her little blanking so I think she would like another one sir," Samuel answered which made everyone giggle a little.
"Alright little ones look up at that nice lady and give your biggest smile," the Santa told Samual and Harriet. The picture was taken just after that.
"Ok you are all done have a great Christmas," Santa said after they got the picture. Jackson and April went to get their kids back  Jackson picked up Harriet and April picked up Harriet and took her to put her back into her stroller.

A few weeks later on Christmas morning April was woken up by Harriet bright and early like 5:30. Harriet was definitely in some Christmas spirit because as soon s she was lifted out of her bed she became very happy. At 7:00 April woke up Jackson so that thy could all open presents. Samuel of course was up early too bad not near as early as Harriet. The family headed into thriving room where their tree was to find lots of presents.
"Woah look guys look how many presents," Samuel says looking back at his parents.
" I know I see them," Jackson says going to get some coffee. The amity sat down surrounding the tree in their matching pjs. They watched each other open their gifts and overall had a good time.

Thank you guys for reading this chapter. The next chapter will be about New Years. I know this chapter was a little longer than the others feel free to comment If you enjoy the longer or shorter chapters better. Thank you all.

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