Date Night

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"Hey are we up for to night?" Jackson asks April.meeting up with her at the end of the hallway.
April answers nodding, "Yes but I don't have my things with me at the hospital."
"Ok, ooo how about you take Sam and Harriet back home to meet the babysitter get ready and meet me at the restaurant," Jackson says jumping with excitement.
"Ok," April says with a smirk. Later on that evening April left the hospital with her two kids and headed home. When she arrived she walked in and got Samuel and Harriet settled. She put on the dress she picked out in the morning. And curled her hair. When she went to put on her earrings she heard a knock at the door. "Guys the babysitter is here," April tells her kids. She puts her earrings down and went to answer the door. "Hi I'm April," she says answering the door. "I am almost finished and then I will be on my way." April finished up getting ready, kissed her kids good by, and headed out the door.
When April arrived at the nice fancy restaurant she met up with Jackson right inside the door.
"Damn you look great," Jackson says looking his wife up and down and pulling her in to kiss her.
"Thanks you do too," April says coming closer for another kiss. The two walk in to sit down at their table.
Later on while they are eating dinner the couple got into some deep questions.
"So did you ever think about having any more kids?" April asks Jackson.
"What our two kids are good enough for you?" Jackson says laughing, "Just kidding just kidding" he adds after seeing his wife's face.
"No seriously Jackson," April says taking Jacksons hand, "Do you want more kids?"
"Maybe I don' know I like how life is but maybe sometime in the near future," Jackson says with a smirk.
"Like how near are we talkin?" April says with a sly look.
"I'm not sure but you now practice makes perfect," Jackson says looking for their waiter.
"Excuse me can we get our check?" April says now waving down the waiter. As soon as soon as they got their card back the couple rushes out the door back to Jackson's car.
"We can't go home our kids are there where do we go?" Jackson asks April.
"I don't know just drive until you find a spot OH!! THERE BEHIND THAT TREE!!" April yells. Jackson swerves into park. Both April and Jackson get out of the front seats and move to the back. Once they get in they start at it.
Like an hour later the couple starts heading home. When the arrive they thank and pay the babysitter an go to check on their kids. They first check on Harriet who is sound asleep in her room. Next they check on Samuel in the next room over. But when they walk in they hear a tiny little voice.
"Mommy, Daddy is that you?" Samuel says in a whisper.
"Yeah buddy what are you still doing up its way after bed time," April asks crouching next to his bed.
"I just woke up I have to go potty." Samuel says starting to crawl out of his bed.
"Ok how about Daddy takes you," April says looking back at Jackson.
"Come on Sam," Jackson whispers taking his sons hand. April goes to her room to start getting ready for bed. She puts more comfortable clothes on and takes her makeup of and her earrings out and finally lays down in her bed. A few minutes later Jackson came and laid right beside her.
"Good night I love you," Jackson says to April as he turns to face her.
"Good night I love you too," April says scooting so she was right up against Jackson. And the two fell soundly asleep.

Hi guys I want to thank you for reading my story I hope to start updating more often now they I have a keyboard. If you guys have any suggestions on what the next chapter should be about feel free to comment and I would really appreciate if you voted for this chapter. Thank you :)

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