1st Birthday

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"Is there anyway that you could pick up Sam and Harriet from daycare?" April asks Jackson, "I have too leave early to set up for the party."
"Of course," Jackson answers.
The two started walking in opposite directions. April had been stressing so much to make sure Harriet's first birthday party was perfect. Jackson honestly didn't care, but he knew it meant a lot to April so he cooperated.
April was suddenly paged 911 to the Peds unit. Her pager hadn't gone off in a while so it kind of scared her. She started walking faster and faster until she was at a fast jog. When she got there she pushed the door open to find Arizona sitting on a patient table with a bottle of wine in her hand and a giant grin.
"What the heck I ran up here for nothing?" April said in a jokingly pissed kind of way.
"Its not nothing though," Arizona says back. "You have been really tense and not yourself lately what's going on?"
"I just want Harriet's party to be amazing. I have working for months to make sure of that, and I did the same thing for Samual," April says as Arizona pours her a cup of wine.
"I know but I mean she is one it's not like she is going to remember it. For Sophia, Callie and I just got her a little cake and took some pictures of her with it and let her eat it." Arizona says now pouring herself a cup.
"You're right they aren't going to remember it," April says.
"I know I'm right," Arizona says a little cocky.
Later that day April and Arizona are setting up for the party when Callie comes through the door with tears running down her face.
"What's wrong?" Arizona asks her grabbing her arms.
"I'm pregnant," Callie answers even more tears falling down her cheeks.
"Omg really!" Arizona and April say in sync. Callie shakes her head up and down. Finally after almost 3 years of trying it finally happened.
The party went so well couldn't have gone better. April was very happy.
"Well it looks like all of your hard work payed off," Jackson says coming up to her.
"Thanks," April says as they hug it out.

Full family; Japril Love and family storyWhere stories live. Discover now