New Years

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"Jackson lets go!!'" April yells running out of her room franticly putting in her earrings. "We are going to be late the party starts at 6:30."
"April calm down it's only 5:15," Jackson says trying to calm down his wife while holding their daughter. Jackson always loved how much of a perfectionist April was but sometimes it was annoying.
"I know b-but," April stuttered.
"Everything is going to be fine," Jackson says turn her around to kiss her on the forehead. This was the first New Years party they were going to with their kids and April was very worried. The party was going to be at Mere's. Usually they ask Catherine to watch the kids, but this year she wanted to join the party. April went into Samuel's room to see what he was doing.
"Sam what are you doing?" April asked him.
"I'm getting some cars to play with bailey," Samuel answered looking up at his mom.
"Well how about about you pick out 2 toys because I think bailey ha a lot of toys at his house you can play with,'" April says.
"Ok," Sam says back. He ended up picking out two cars one red and one purple. After he was done picking them out he got up and walked out with April. Jackson and Harriet were waiting for them by the door. April helped Samuel put on his coat before putting on her own and heading out the door. When they arrived at Mere's house Amelia answered the door .
"Hi guys come in," Amelia says with a smile. There wasn't many people there yet because they were still pretty early. The only people that were there was of course Meredith and her kids, Amelia, Maggie, Alex, and Jo. So basically the people who live there plus their best friends.
"Hey guys thanks for coming," Meredith says approaching them. "The kids are upstairs in Zola's room if you want to go up there."
"Thanks Mere, " Samuel says running to the stairs. Not to much later Arizona, Callie, and Sophia show up.  Sophia ran upstairs as if she already knew where to go. April walked over to greet her best friend.
"Arizona finally I have been waited or you to get here," April says quite exited.
"Wow thanks for the welcome," Arizona says with a smile.
"Can I talk to you?" April asks Arizona before she is even able to take off her coat.
"Yeah, but only if I can hold Harriet while you do," Arizona says with a smirk. She holds her hand out for the baby and she willingly goes into her aunt Arizona's arms. April excitedly pulls Arizona over into the living room away from everyone.
"So what did you have to talk to me about," Arizona asked sitting down next to April.
"I'm late," April says not sure if she should be happy or scared.
"Late? April you were the first one here," Arizona says stupidly.
"No Arizona I'm LATE," April says now with a don't be stupid Arizona look.
"OH your period is late?" Finally Arizona got it.
"Yes you know that date night me and Jackson went on a few weeks ago?" April asked.
"Yeah the one where you guys were all Not to early to practice," Arizona said with a weird face.
April scowled at her, "Yes that one."
"Well do you want me to run and get a test real quick." Arizona asked handing Harriet back to April and standing up.
"Yessss but can I come with you I would rather do it outside of this house," April says standing up too. April walked over to Jackson who was talking to Alex and Owen. She handed him Harriet and told him that her and Arizona were going to the store real quick. Of course he asked why and she thought of a lie real quick. He luckily fell for it. She met up with Arizona at the door and grabbed her coat and purse and they were out the door. On the way to the store Arizona started asking questions.
"So if the test  is positive are we going to be happy about it or what?"
"I told Jackson I would like to have another kid in the near future but I wasn't really expecting this near," April answered starting to freak out a little.
"So yes or no?" Arizona asks not catching on.
"Yes I guess," April says as they pull up to the store. The two of them hop out of the car, but April stops.
"I don't know if I can do this."
"Come on you have to find out at some point," Arizona says grabbing April's hand and walking inside. When they get inside and find the pregnancy tests they grab one and head to the register. April pulls out here wallet to pay and slides her card. When they finished up paying the two women ran to the bathroom like two exited little girls. When they push through the door the find that the bathroom is empty. So April goes into the stall and pees on the stick. When she comes out a minute later she hands it to Arizona while she washes her hands. When she is done Arizona hands it back and tells her to look, but again April freezes.
"I can't do this."
"Fine I'll look," Arizona says taking it back and flipping it over. What she sees is the words NOT PREGNANT. She hands the test to April not really sure how she will react. But to her relief April gives a little smile.
"Well now I can go drink."
"So your not upset?" Arizona asks.
"Nope just gives more time to practice," April says with a smirk. The two women drive back to the party and pour two glasses of champagne.
"I am going to go check on Sam I will be right back," April tells Arizona. She runs up stairs to find her son playing with cars and dinosaurs alongside bailey. She steps into the next room to check on Sophia to find her own daughter sitting and playing with Sophia, Zola, an Ellis.
"Well look at you playing with the big girls," she says grabbing Harriet's attention. "What are you guys doing?"
"We are playing with this princess puzzle Elle got for Christmas," Zola says.
"Wow isn't that cool you girls have fun I am going to take Harriet now ok," April says bending own to pick up her daughter. She then walks into Bailey's room to check on Sam one more time before going back down stairs.
"Sam what are you guys doing in here?" April asked the two boys.
"Me and Bailey are playing dino trucks," Samuel says looking up at his mom.
"Ok just wanted to check in on you. When you start getting tired come find me or Daddy ok," April says. When she gets back down stairs she checks to see what time it is and realizes it already 9:45. She find somewhere quite where she feeds and changes Harriet before putting her to sleep. She was slowly rocking her when she heard a knock at the door.
"Hey oh hey sorry didn't mean to interrupt," Meredith says going to leave.
"No no its fine come in," April says in a quite voice trying not to wake her baby.
"Do you want somewhere to put her down I still have Elle's old pack-n-play if you would like to put her in there," Meredith says.
"That would be amazing," April says with a smile. Meredith leaves for a second and comes back with a traveling crib and opens it. April lays Harriet down and stretches out her arms.
"That's actually not what I wanted to talk to you about," Meredith says. "I was going to ask you if you could maybe take my on call night on Tuesday. I will make it up to you somehow but I am on call every night starting tomorrow for a week. I would really appreciate it."
"Of course," April says with a smile.
"Thank you so much I promise to make it up to you," Meredith says going in for a hug. The night went on like normal talking drinking checking time. At around 10:50 ish Jackson gets a little tap on his arm. He looked down to find Samuel looking up at him.
"Hey Sam what's up?" Jackson says squatting down.
"I'm tired," Samuel says rubbing his eyes.
"Let's go find mommy," Jackson says grabbing his sons hand. When they found April she was talking to Arizona and Callie.
"Hey guys what are you two up too?" April asked them.
"He said he was tired," Jackson answered.
"Your tired ok come here," April says picking him up. She took him to the room where Harriet was sleep and told him to be quite so he doesn't wake his sister. She laid down some blankets for him to lay on  and he went right to sleep.
About an hour later someone said that there was 2 min until midnight. Everyone gathered in the living room to watch the ball drop.  10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Every one was getting their New Years kisses. And that was the start to the New Year.

Thank you guys for reading this chapter again so sorry for taking so long I will keep my promise this time. I hope you enjoyed this chapter comment what the next chapter(s) should be about. :)

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