Chapter 3: Found

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john and james were having a grammar test and had to determine whether "had" or "had had" would fit better in the sentence.
john, while james had had "had," had had "had had." "had had" had had a better effect on his grade.
. . .



"You heard me, right? I said I'm his soulmate," You sighed. Honestly, you just wanted to leave. You weren't inconsiderate enough as to kill Sugawara's body, but getting back to yours as soon as you could would be ideal.

In short, you were done.

"I just don't understand why you'd try and kill yourself," A boy with freckles spoke up.

"I-I'm sure you're an amazing person and everyone would be sad if you died!" The tangerine-head exclaimed, looking like he was on the verge of crying.

The boys did not react how you expected them to. Instead, they formed a... sort-of circle around you to prevent you from leaving. The rest of them were silent. In their defense, it was a lot to take in.

They pulled you to a bench and began to ask more questions.

"What's your name?"

"How old are you?"

"Where are you from?"

"What year?"

"What school?"

"Do you play volleyball?"

"What do you look like?"

"Are you a girl?!"

"Guys, one at a time, she's probably overwhelmed, too," The man who introduced himself as 'Daichi' said. Little did you know, this thoughtful volleyball team was trying to distract your from your own mind. And it was working.

You paused for a minute. "(L/n) (Y/n). 17. Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. Third year. Aoba Johsai High. No. Does it matter? ...and yes."

"Wait, you're not a girl?!" The short boy with spiky hair asked.

"So, Suga-san is really-"

"Gay? That'd be weird, since I said yes. My "no" was to volleyball." You chuckled. Your annoyance faded as you found yourself... enjoying talking to them.

You shook your head. "I should go find my body lol. Let's hope he didn't die."

"WHAT?!" They shouted simultaneously.

"Just joking, he's probably alive. Right, where am I?" You smiled again.

"... Karasuno. Wait, you go to Aoba Johsai?"

You nodded.

"That's the same school as the Great King!"

"Shut up." The blueberry said coldly. "Hinata boke."

"That's not too far from here," Daichi replied thoughtfully. "What do you guys say? Let's go find Suga?"

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