Chapter 9: Waking Up Next to You

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omg did y'all know this fic is almost done??

off topic but i lost my plot summary somewhere in my 90 pages of google doc fanfic writing so im yoloinG the end~

ik i said i'd update in 3-4 days but my motivation really said "cya" and it became... over a week

thanks for 2k reads btw!!

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Sugawara watched as your sniffles faded into light breaths. He watched the tension in your previously flustered expression wane while you gave into sleep. Blushing lightly, he had the urge to pull you closer, to feel your body against his.

He turned visibly red in response, shaking those thoughts out of his head. Sugawara was about to push himself back up to return to his spot on the couch when he felt a hand graze his side protectively.

Your lip wavered the slightest, your eyebrows furrowing in response to his motion. You subconsciously pulled your hands towards him, as if asking him to stay. Sugawara widened his eyes.

He found himself lying back down in bed, feeling flustered by the fact you wanted him there.

Occasionally, you'd stir, likely in the presence of another nightmare. Then, he'd wrap his arms around you protectively and subtly pull you closer until your shivers stopped.

Once, you rolled over, pulling the blanket away to your side of the bed. Sugawara smiled faintly and just pulled you back in place, allowing him to have access to the sheet you hogged.

She wouldn't mind this... right?

. . .

Your eyes fluttered open to the feeling of sun grazing your face. You blinked at the familiar warmth, also noting how puffy your eyes were.

Turning over, you stretched your arms out-

Correction, you tried to stretch your arms out. In response to your sudden stirring, a nurturing yet firm grip tightened around your body.

Confused, you turned your head to the right.

Your eyes widened as you were met face-to-face with your soulmate. Sugawara?? Next to me???

He... He really didn't leave.

You blushed and quickly pushed those feelings away. You watched his peaceful expression from mere inches away, not wanting to wake him up. His eyelids fluttered gently at the sudden movement and his breath hitched. Even in his sleep, he was subconsciously taking in your every movement, making sure you were safe.

Awh, he's like a mother.

You smiled gently at these small gestures, these small moments that make you admire him for his true nature. Zoning out a bit, you felt your face heat up more by the second, turning your skin red and leaving your lips a straight line.

Did you really... make him sleep next to you...?

You wanted to scream. So embarrassing...

"(Y-Y/n)? You're awake?" The boy mumbled groggily. For a second he just laid there, staring into your eyes calmly with a small smile.

Suddenly, he sat up a bit, ruffling your hair and pushing his out of his eyes. "Good morning!"

You were still frozen with embarrassment. How was he so calm about this?

He didn't think you were pitiful?

"U-Uh huh..."

Suga got up and left to go to the bathroom. Meanwhile you face-planted into the pillow, trying to calm your thoughts and hopefully return your skin color to its natural shade.

. . .


Sugawara panicked as soon as he laid eyes on (Y/n)'s recently awoken figure, but stayed cool for the sake of his pride. Successfully suppressing his clear shock from having her beside him the entire night, he broke down in full panic once he closed the bathroom door behind him. Splashing his face with water, he noted how red it had become in a short amount of time.

It would be nice if it were like that every day...

A flustered mess would be an understatement describing the poor setter. He wanted what was best for (Y/n) and knew that'd mean he'd have to wait out being in a relationship. He noticed how significant she would be in his life as soon as he laid eyes on her body. This impact could not be undone and he had come to terms with his feelings far before (Y/n) had even thought of hers existing. But that doesn't mean it'd be easy to suppress them.

In truth, he wanted to be able to ask her on a date, to have a smooth-sailing relationship. Who wouldn't want to skip those hardships? But he was more than willing to wait for her. And that meant hiding the fact that he wanted a relationship so (Y/n) wouldn't be pressured.

Sugawara wanted her to be able to love herself before she loved him.

Even if it meant an enormous amount of waiting.


She was worth that.

. . .

timeskip because i can

oh and (f/f) is fav food
(f/d) is fav drink,
i just beg of you,

don't be dirty.

. . .


You yawned again, blinking the sleep away as you sat down at Sugawara's table.

You watched drowsily as he grabbed various dishes and foods from the cabinet and fridge. (its just a headcanon that suga can cook well- he's literally the perfect housewife in my head)

You zoned out until a cup of (f/d) and a plate of (f/f) were placed in front of you.

"Huh?" You glanced up at the boy who had done so, smiling with pride. You smiled back. "Thank you, Suga...! Wow, how'd you make it so quickly? How'd you know what my favorite food was?"

He only hummed in response, pulling a chair to sit beside you. "If I recall correctly, you mentioned it back at the river. Oh, and it was your phone's lock screen."

"Haha..." You flushed. Was he that detail-oriented normally? Feeling much hungrier by the second, you said your thanks and began eating.

Sugawara watched in admiration as you scarfed the whole thing down in a matter of minutes.

"D-Don't stare at me!" You mumbled with a full mouth, embarrassed.

Your soulmate only laughed at your antics and grabbed a napkin. You watched in slight panic as he got closer, trying to wipe the excess food off your mouth.

"Oh my fucking god, are you trying to mom me?" You laughed aloud, watching as his skin turned red. You grabbed the napkin he was holding in front of you and wiped your face instead, watching his frozen figure in amusement. "Or are you trying to make that cliche romance scene happen in real life?"

"N-No, see, I was just...!" Sugawara stammered over his words, failing to defend himself. You laughed at how flustered he was. He pouted childishly and turned back to his seat.

"It's alright," You began, tapping the tip of your fork on the edge of your empty plate. He glanced up at you. "It's cute to see how much you care."

He blushed harder and turned back to his plate of food.

"Because..." You smirked. "That little crumb on the side of my face was definitely a life-or-death situation."

Sugawara only jutted his hand out to the side, smacking you in the process. "Oops! Sorry, that was an accident."

You deadpanned and took your fork, stealing a bit of the food from Suga's plate in response. "And so was that."

. . .

yayy fluff

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