[ ✧*̥₊˚‧ 𝙨𝙞𝙭𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣 ]

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—————————————𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐠𝐮𝐝

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𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐠𝐮𝐝

chapter sixteen: new beginnings


"what- no. no- i dont believe you-" yaku sat across from you, listening as you retold the events from the past week- right now he was having a hard time believing that kenma had the balls to kiss you. in all honesty you could hardly believe it yourself, after the month of not speaking- you honestly did not think kenma wanted anything to do with you. friend or more than friend.

"morisuke, i would never lie to you!"

"mOriSukE i WoUlD nEvEr LiE tO yOu, my ass."

you laughed, "i dont sound like that! besides when have i ever lied to you?"

he smiled, "im just teasing. im happy for you, y/n. kenma? akaashi? i wasnt particularly rooting for either of them. your happiness is and was most important to me. and if your happy with kenma? then im happy." smiling back, you were honestly happy to hear that.

going back to your homework, which is why you were at this cafe with yaku in the first place, you felt a bit guilty. the school year was almost half way over. and in the spring, graduation would happen.

"morisuke, what're you doing after all this?"

he didnt look up from his laptop, "volleyball."

sighing, you looked at your own laptop screen, 'what to do... what to do...'

"shit, hey y/n- boyfriend, 12 o'clock!"

"morisuke. its 3:45 not 12-" turning your head you'd noticed what yaku had meant about "12 o'clock"

kuroo walked entered the cafe first followed by kenma- both slightly wet from the rain; you felt your face heat up just by looking at kenma. you just finally saw him as a boy, not as a friend. and you were happy to know that he thought the same. 

as soon as they sat down, yaku shut his laptop. a smirk was present on his face and you couldnt help but think he was planning something. "kuroo..." yaku smiled him- kuroo, who looked more tired than normal raised an eyebrow at yaku,

"did ya hear about the new years party some third years are throwing tonight...?"

letting out an exhausted sigh, kuroo sunk in his chair, "yaku."


"yaku. we have an exam coming up."

"kuroo. if you genuinely think you're going to fail the exam then maybe you're already on something."

with a final huff, kuroo ultimately agreed to go the party with yaku.

"y/n, what about you? you're a third year!"

kenma looked up from his phone to see your answer- he didnt like parties, so he wouldnt go. not like he would know anyone at a third year party anyway. but he didnt want to hold you back from enjoying your final year of highschool.

and thats when it really hit him.

your final year.

not his.

"y/n. if you wanna go im not gonna hold you back." he said it quickly and without thinking, you noticed kuroo nudge kenma, giving him a concerned look-

mulling it over, you didnt have much of a choice.

"thanks morisuke but, i have plans."

"mhm. sure 'plans'."

the walk home was comfortable. kuroo went with yaku and that left you with kenma. who'd invited you over to hang out, something that he'd never done before. 

all you'd really done since you'd arrived was play games together, not that you were disappointed. you were happy just to be around him. you were happy to be able to have him by you, and not locked in a screaming match with you. and no matter what happened with this 'relationship', whether it became something or you stayed as friends or became something more, you were happy that kenma was there. that he was your best friend.

and he felt the same. and he felt horrible for letting impulses ruin a good thing. in his mind you both could of been so much farther along in your relationship, there was so much you couldve done in the time that was wasted. and it was all his-

and thats when he recognized the feeling. the warmth of your lips on his. it took him a minute to register what was happening before he kissed back.

pulling away he shot you a confused look,

"happy new years, kozume."

he smiled the hardest youve probably ever seen him smile, before he immediately pulled you into him,

"happy new years, love."

a/n: YO ITS LATE AND ITS NOT NEW YEARS ANYMORE BUT BLAME WATTPAD FOR NOT SAVING MY CHAPTER. anyway join my disc. server link in bio. and im sorry the chapter is short. 

♡ ~('▽^人)

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