20. what can we do

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everything costs something

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everything costs something. nothing is truly free. and you of course learned this, and learned that you were going to have to step out into that big bad world and get yourself a job before you were drowning in debt and unable to buy groceries.

as much as it sounded okay; you were not going to live off of instant ramen and microwave dinners.

and so here you were browsing various job listings as you were trying to see what was the most school friendly. something that would allow you to be flexible while giving a pretty ok pay was turning out to be harder than expected.

kenma attempted to help but really he wasn't too sure of your work ethic and criticized how well you would perform at certain jobs; so you banished him from your dorm on a mission to pick up the takeout you had ordered.

it was when you came across an opening for a job floral assistant. it sounded easy enough. working the floor assisting people with anything they needed as well as giving commentary on arrangements. you didn't have trouble speaking to people and it seemed easy enough. so now the challenge of actually landing the job was upon you.

that and actually printing the resume and stuff.

ink is expensive.

"did you find something?" your head snapped to the direction of the door, there kenma was trying to balance a few boxes of food, kicking the door shut with his heel. after setting the items down on your desk he dusted his hands off before appearing behind your shoulders,

"floral assistant? flowers? really?" he smiled a little, you nudged him off of you playfully but he just retaliated by hugging you a little harder, "it seems easy enough, the pay is okay. do you think i'd be good at it?"

he raised his eyebrows before pretending to think for a moment, "oh come on! you shouldn't have to think about it!" he smiled before making you face him; "you know i was just kidding before right? you'd be good at anything you do. that's just who you are. and i for one, think would be one hell of a floral assistant." rolling your eyes, you freed yourself from his grasp before heading towards your desk, "let's eat before it gets cold alright? thanks for picking it up by the way."


and so the day of the interview was upon you, you attempted to dress a little nicer than normal; wanting to make a good first impression. after all those are pretty important.

it was a wednesday at 12 so kenma wasn't there to see you off, but he had sent you a supportive text this morning;

ko ( ˙˙ )
today at 6:57

> you got this!! theyd be stupid not to hire u.
> i love u. keep ur head up! ('^)
> ok nvm i'm never typing like that again
> just felt my body retract into itself
> never gonna be able to be a cutesy boyfriend like that
> sorry if you're into that
> nvm i'm not sorry
> you'll do great tho.
> 😬🤷‍♀️

love u too 😕 <
-ko ( ˙˙ ) liked this message-

the whole ordeal felt laughable to you, but you but you applauded him for trying. you could only imagine the look on his face when he tried to type out those messages.

opening the door to the establishment; the overwhelming smell of flowers and perfumes filled your nose. you couldn't help but sneeze a few times as you made your way to the front desk.

"oh you must be ms. l/n! glad to meet you." you smiled at the older woman who appeared in front of you. nodding your head you went ahead with the introduction you had rehearsed in your head, "yes hello! i'm l/n, f/n, thank you for your time!"

the older lady waved her hands in front of her face; "you won't be taking up too much of my time at all. i saw what you've sent in. we're understaffed as it is. you're hired hon."

that was considerably easier than you thought it would be. not that you were complaining. this was going to be your first job since your second year of high school. the idea of funding yourself again made you even more motivated.

"as much as i'd love to show you around myself there's places that need me; i'll have one of our other employees assist you. welcome to the team dear."

the smile on her face was warm as she patted your shoulder before heading out the door.

it only took a second for your heart to drop.

why the hell was he here.

"akaashi?" the color in both of your faces drained. you stared at each other blankly before he snapped back first

"so you're who mom hired. oh. welcome aboard."

as if your face couldn't look more confused, "she's your mom? oh my god. how could i not notice-"

he laughed. something you hadn't heard in awhile. "she knows who you are. i asked her to stay quiet about it. but it's fine l/n. this is a professional place. my intentions aren't reflected in my work."

what intentions could he still possibly have...?

ko ( ˙˙ )
today at 12:07

i'm quitting. <

> it's been 7 minutes.
> whatever it is it can't be that bad.

akaashis mom owns this bitch. <
he staring at me rn. <
nvm he's just trying to give me my uniform. <

> hand in your resignation rn.
> put your two weeks in.

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