23. take a break

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you had wandered to a back corner of the room to hopefully take a break from socializing and check your phone, but right before you were able to, you felt a tap on your shoulder.

"i was wondering if i could talk to you."

you didnt even need to turn around to know whos voice it was, akaashi keiji. when you met his eyes, it felt like time had stopped, and not in the good way. nothing good could come from this situation, and honestly for the last couple weeks you had debated even quitting your job to cut him from your life even more. it wasnt like akaashi even did anything to you, it was just more of his persistence and obvious feelings he still harbored for you despite the time that has passed.

"akaashi hey... didnt think youd be here, figured bokuto would leave you at home..."

mentally, you cringed at that statement, why were you talking to him like he was a dog? leave him at home? what?

akaashi raised an eyebrow before speaking, "uhm, i wanted to come... anyway, how are you?" you stared at him in quiet disbelief, that he had the guts to continue to talk to you like nothing had happened at all, like you werent in a relationship. hesitantly, you responded, "im good, i literally saw you at work yesterday though.." you could see him get slightly embarrassed at your comment, which did make you feel a little bad as that was definitely not your intention, right? looking up, the feeling went away as you noticed kuroo having fun, taking pictures, and laughing with friends, including sana.

"how is kenma?" the trance was broken when akaashi spoke again, looking at you intently, "hes good, we're doing really well actually." akaashi nodded, "so you going to university hasnt taken any toll on your relationship at all?" you looked at him, little shocked that he said something like that out loud so bluntly,

"sorry, i overstepped. im glad it didnt, you deserve to be happy." he finished, with a slight smile. the bewildered look left your face as you gave him a genuine smile, "thanks keiji." he laughed a little, "of course."

and thats all kenma saw, a smile and a laugh from the both of you, in reality he had no idea what you two were really talking about. all he knew was that he shouldve told you how he felt about akaashi, how he was jealous, how he did overthink every time you went to work, how much he disliked you being around him. but it was too late now, or so he thought.

"KENMA!!!" kuroos voiced practically echoed throughout the room as kenma was now up in kuroos embrace, his eyes wide as he looked out at the sea of people in the apartment now looking at him, "kuroo you dumbass, put me down now." kuroo let out an 'awww' as he set kenma on solid ground, still smiling wide at the fact that his best friend had made it to his party.

you immediately looked up at the sound of kuroos voice, seeing kenmas dyed hair, you pushed through the crowd. when you did reach him kuroo had gone back to mingling (trying to get sanas attention), and kenma stared past you, trying to find akaashi again. "ko! youre here!!" he finally looked at you and your smile, he was starting to feel a bit more at ease, "i decided i wanted to see you, and you know, try to do some of the things you want." you felt your heart warm at the sentence. "thank you ko. im really really glad youre here. want something to drink?" he nodded, and you took off. you noticed akaashi keep his distance for the rest of the night, staying near bokuto, occasionally brushing past you to say 'excuse me' or just try to get your attention.

when all was said and done, the four of you decided to just stay at kuroos anyway.


you woke up to a slightly uncomfortable pillow, realizing it was kenmas arm laid underneath your head, you shifted to face him, quietly watching as he slept,

"what are we gonna do.. huh?" you let out a breathy laugh before gently laying a hand on his sleeping face, "you would cringe so hard if you woke up right now..." just then he repositioned himself to face you, eyes slightly open, "i was cringing." you laughed, "y/n, i wanna talk to you." you felt your heart drop at his serious tone, you noticed he had been acting different lately, college was catching up to you and he was no less busy with highschool,

"i think was should take a break. step back from everything for a minute."

before you knew it your heart felt like it fell out of your chest, "ko... what?" you sat up instantly, staring at him in heartbreak and disbelief. he slowly sat up as well, his hair disheveled and eyes filed with sleep, "im not saying we completely break up, but... just... take a break?" he shook his head before running his hands down his face, "i dont know y/n. college is so different from high school. you want to do all these things, like parties and big events, but you dont because of me. i hate that, and i hate that i cant be there for you. i dont want you to worry about me, i want you to do everything you want to do.."

you stared, mind running a mile a minute while you tried to understand what he was saying.


kenma nodded, "okay. ill grab my stuff from your dorm at some point." as he got up to walk away, you grabbed his arm, 

"is this about me talking to akaashi? about me working with him?"

kenma stiffened, not even turning around to meet your eyes, "no. i really have to go, tell kuroo i said bye, and not to worry please."

and with that, he walked out.

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