21. flowers and bullshit

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"im sorry ma'am but there's no order under that name

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"im sorry ma'am but there's no order under that name." the lady narrowed her eyes while slamming her hands on the counter separating you, "check. again." you huffed while pretending to check for her order again. even though you've looked 12 times, there was no order sent in for today.

"girl. i don't know what you want me to do about this. no one ordered flowers today and there's no florists here to make any bouquets. if you need a bouquet get a pre-made one off the shelf or leave."

the lady's jaw dropped before a sharp inhale, "cant you do anything about this?"

"ma'am. i just work the front desk. i gave you your options."

just as the lady was about to raise her voice for the 12th time today, someone appeared from the back room,

"ah ma'am! i'm sorry but i just did a triple check with our system! all orders take about 2 days, and it's only been about 6 hours since you ordered. it'll be a bit longer."

you smiled as you could see the woman accepted her defeat. leaving the store, you were satisfied that you didn't get reported for talking back,

"thank you keiji, but you know that bitch didn't order shit right?"

he only smiled before taking a look around the shop, "yeah i know. watch your language though. you're still on the clock and mom seriously hates it when people talk like that."

you ignored the statement and looked towards the clock; "i gotta head out in about 15 minutes, i've got something to do later."

keiji nodded before beginning to wipe down the front desk, "whatcha doing?" he asked, almost nonchalantly as if you guys were buddies,

it's not like you stopped being friends on bad terms, but when you started going out with your current boyfriend; you could tell things soured between you two and you just eventually stopped speaking

"ah, uhm, kenmas about to start his new job, i'm helping him set up soon so..."

"oh. you're still together?" the way he said it sounded almost condescending; but you thought maybe he was just genuinely curious,

"ah yeah. for awhile now."

he just hummed in response. you weren't really interested in continuing a conversation though so you just went back to your job.

nothing was more freeing than taking off that ugly ass uniform at the end of the day. no matter what you could never get yourself to enjoy khaki pants.

as you plopped down on your bed, your ever so lovely (ew) roommate took notice of you being home,

"how was work?"


"was is because of the boy or-"


she sighed as they came over to you, "i would quit if i were you but i know your pride has gotten the better of you... just be careful. i can see how happy you are in this relationship and i wouldn't want anything messing that up for you..."

you returned sanas almost concerned gaze before breaking the silence, "he may be annoying but he's not the type to try anything. i'm willing to give his friendship a chance. only because he was there when i needed someone."

sana narrowed her eyes before returning to her side of the room, "alright. don't say i didn't warn you though."

"he won't. and if kenmas got a jealousy problem he needs to voice that concern or forever hold his goddamned peace."

"how loving."

seriously though. if he had a concern about your relationship he should voice it, if he truly felt uncomfortable with you having a friendship with keiji you'd drop it immediately. nothing was more important than your relationship. even if it led to you quitting that stupid job so what? mcdonald's is always hiring.

with that you heard a knock at the door and immediately sprung up to open it. speak of the devil. kenma smiled before reaching for a hug and entering the small dorm.

"how was work?"

you let out a small laugh to yourself before sitting back down on your bed while he situated himself at your desk, "fine. some lady yelled at me but it's whatever. she got her janky flowers and left so."

"anything happen with..?"

you sighed before shaking your head. all of that weird shit about "intentions" hadn't been brought up again. if anything it was just a normal manager/worker relationship. he told you what to do and you did it. sometimes he helped you clean up but that was about it. as long as you got a paycheck you couldn't care less what the hell keiji did.

"nope. no more weird ass cryptic sayings. everything's been peachy... or should i say-"

"dont make a stupid flower pun."


sorry idfk if i should make this book have more stupid fckin drama or not lemme know cause y'all r the ones that enjoy this shit

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