[ ✧*̥₊˚‧ 𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣 ]

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—————————————𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐠𝐮𝐝

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𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐠𝐮𝐝

chapter eighteen: hoping


you smiled at the banter going back and forth between kuroo and yaku. it felt odd, knowing that in just a a few weeks, you could call yourself a high school graduate. three years of work was going to pay off.

but you'd be lying if the thought of taking a gap year, hadn't crossed your mind. it had crossed kenmas too. asking you to just wait. wait a year. but it felt far too selfish. as if he was asking you to put aside your career for him. he didnt feel like it was worth it.

plus the idea of trying to tell your mother you wanted to take a year off from school was frightening.

so this was it. college applications had been sent. and you had finally gotten your letters back.

"we open them on three, alright?" kuroos leg was bouncing excitedly, sitting on the bleachers in front of the whole team. the third years had decided to open their acceptance letters in front of the team,

"no, we're waiting for y/n's dumbass to get back from cleaning duty."

as soon as the words left yakus lips you busted through the gym doors, short of breath, but filled with excitement (and a little terror but you wouldn't admit it out loud)

taking a seat between kuroo and yaku, kai also sitting down- he held a different letter.

he hadn't applied to the same school as you, which made you a bit sad. he'd always managed to be a more calming presence between the other two.

looking up, you half expected kenmas face to be a little sad, but he just smiled and gave a small nod,

kuroo nudged your shoulder lightly, causing you to look up and see him smiling wider than ever,

"on three?"

the three of you nodded at the captain,

"on three."

"one, two..."

you were terrified of being rejected, again


the sound of paper tearing was all that could be heard, before simultaneous gasps of excitement and some laughter,

you hadn't read your letter yet, you were too scared to even pull it out of the envelope,

kuroo threw a questioning glance your way before motioning kenma over,

you didn't even notice kenma lightly placing his hands over yours, which were still wrapped around the envelope,

"cmon. we'll both open it."

giving a half hearted nod, he stayed crouched down in front of you as you shakily pulled the paper out,

l/n, y/n,

we are pleased to inform you that...

the letter went on, but it was all a blur,

"i got in, i- i actually got in-"

you laughed a little between the few tears that slipped out, a bittersweet mix of acceptance and goodbye.

once you all had opened your letters, the team wasted no time showing their appreciation towards their favorite third years.

kenma started first, by removing his hands from yours, wrapping his arms around you. which you of course graciously returned.

"i'm proud of you."

he could practically feel your smile. he let you go, and you were immediately pulled into a hug with the rest of the third years,

"we're graduating from this bitch!" yaku exclaimed,

you and the others laughed, through tears of course. all in all, any fear of graduation had subsided, going to a college with your best friends was something felt welcoming rather than scary.

with everything said and done, you hung back for longer than intended to watch practice, staying even later to walk home with kenma.

"you didnt have to stay, today was exhausting for you, you shouldve gone home."

you just smiled, of course he would say that, "i never got to see you play at nationals. so coming to this practice was worth it." it was true, you were much too busy with studying to attend the games, not that you and kenma were even on speaking terms during them,

he just hummed in response, falling into step with you,

"are you playing next year?"

he looked up, he hadnt really thought about it, playing volleyball next year. playing without kuroo was just something he hadnt thought of. kuroo had been the one to make him play anyway,

"not sure, depends on if the team wants me back."

he just looked ahead, shooting him a sad smile you responded, "ko, of course theyre gonna want you back, youre their brain, or whatever it is tetsu talks about-"

"hes overexaggerating. besides, ill be too caught up worrying about you,"

"worrying about me? im still in tokyo-"

"i dont think i can compete with college guys, y/n..."

conflict was written all over his face as his pace picked up, your brows furrowed before catching up to him and grabbing his hand-

"hey, there are people still outside-" he tried yanking his hand from yours but you wouldnt budge,

"ko, youre not competing with anyone."

he sighed in defeat,

"sure. okay."

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