19. begin again

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at the end of it all goodbye wasnt as hard as you thought it would be. your university wasnt far and it made it easy to visit on the weekends. but the feeling of being in just the eye of the storm weighed on you. everything you felt about being an adult at 18 suddenly flew out the window. you seriously doubted how hard it would be to live on your own. well, not necessarily on your own... but your roommate was gone more often than she was home, so it felt like you were alone. 

but other than an m.i.a roommate, it was better than you expected. seeing tetsuro and yaku regularly made you feel somewhat at home.

then of course there was the case of kenma, who you generally only saw on the weekends, if that. what had become your best friend was commute over the phone. (you kept your phone charged at all times to avoid any miscommunications now) and even that was becoming increasingly harder.

thankfully today you had found time today to spend time with a certain someone, you were happy to see that he was doing just as well as you'd left him, and you were even happier that he was enjoying his last year of high school. after you and tetsuro had left you were worried he would stay a bit cautious as his classmates. not because he was scared of meeting new people, he just generally didnt like them.

"f/n? you're spacing out..."

you hadnt notice his hand waving slightly in front of your face, 

"oh, sorry. lets keep going."

with a small nod he grabbed your hand and continued guiding you around the unusually packed arcade. which you didnt think would be the move when it came to his sometimes anti-social behavior, but he seemed to enjoy it well enough.

when he finally tired himself of the games that were there you both decided to rest your legs. you smiled to yourself a little when you noticed him slightly lean into you shoulder,

"how're your classes? are you at least enjoying your third year?"

he shrugged a little only humming in response, "i guess. feels the same as last year. and the year before that."

you raised an eyebrow as you recollected your eccentric final year, though it was mainly petty boy drama, you were happy you could look back at how dumb and naïve you both were. now only excited for the future.

you honestly thought that dating would only make you both uncomfortable and even more nervous around each other, but it did the exact opposite. you both felt a million times more comfortable around each other. the best part was being able to keep your best friend. that was a prize all in its own.


3:14 pm

> do u know where the vacuum is?

? <

i vacuumed this morning before i left. <

whatcha need it for. <

> i had people over. you need to clean urside of the room.

> theres shit all over the bed.

i cleaned the entire dorm this morning while u were passed out? <

stg. let me know if you have people over. <

and srsly clean up after ur guests.<

omw home. <

> k. love u.

who doesnt. <

you hadnt noticed kenma reading the conversation, he only smiled to himself, "i dont know why you're still surprised with the shit they pull." rolling your eyes in response, you simply allowed kenma to guide yourselves out of the busy area.

"sana. we have a guest." looking up you saw her black hair peek out around the corner, "oh kozume, hey." he only threw up a small wave in response.

you mentally braced yourself for whatever mess sanas guests had caused. normally they were great at cleaning up after herself, but you'd noticed a change in her behavior recently. and she normally dramatized the extent of the messes.

in reality there was only a spilled chip bag on the floor and an empty wrapper on the table.

"god. you make it sound like someone threw up."

sana laughed quietly to herself, "nah i just wanted you to come home, i had something to show you two,"

you and kenma exchanged glances with each other before plopping down on sanas bed,

"so, kozume, i know you've had a hard time thinking about what you wanna do."

he shot her a confused glance, "i mean yeah. i think everyone has a hard time with that."

"what about trying something like this? kinda like a side job to earn some extra money?" they turned the laptop in the direction of you both, smiling ear to ear.

"streaming? isnt it hard to start that kinda thing up?"

kenma nodded in agreement. "plus. those guys are entertaining. i'd shit my pants if i had to talk to strangers for over an hour a week."

throwing an arm around him you smiled, "youre plenty entertaining, funny, and all of that. i mean you like playing games so why not give it a shot ya know?"

he stared at the screen in front of him,

"ill try it. once."

a/n: back from the dead hey lol. it was overwhelming to have so many readers so i needed a break sorry. and yeah im still promoting my server, bc i genuinely give more updates and am plenty more active ;) 


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