Prologue: A Brand New Life

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(Y/N) took a deep, shaky breath as she stared herself down in the mirror, her fingers clenching around the scissors so hard that her knuckles were white and her entire hand shook.

Karasuno High School.

That was where she would be spending her high school career.  After growing up and making a name for herself in Tokyo for the past three years, her entire life would be uprooted with hardly any warning.  She didn't really care about having to attend a new school, though.  What she really cared about — the only thing she ever really cared about — was volleyball.  And the school she would be going to had a program that was lacking, to say the least.  She had done her research, attended the games, and found the entire team to lack both the skills and more importantly the motivation required to succeed.  And for her, not succeeding was simply not an option.

While she was scouting out their games, though, she found a ray of hope.  The boys' volleyball club was filled not only with first and second years that had limitless potential but also an entire team with an incredible drive to succeed — to win and stay on the court until the very end.  And that's when the idea struck her.

It was possible, in theory. Despite her popularity attained through her success in volleyball, she had refused to participate in any interviews or have her photo taken. Because of that, people only ever really knew her nickname, and she wasn't all that well known outside of the teams she had played and maybe a few die-hard fans of the sport. That didn't change the fact that it was an insane idea, though; she was more than willing to admit that.  If she was found out — if even one person recognized her — she would become a laughing stock and land herself in a mountain of trouble.  But still, if this crazy plan of hers actually succeeded, she could play against some of the best players she had ever seen and maybe even have some fun while she's at it.  Even just the possibility of something like that was enough for her.  She had to do it.

With another deep breath, and before she could change her mind, she brought the scissors up and started cutting.

From today on, she would be known as (Male/Name) (L/N).

Authors note:
Me: I've already got three books I'm working on right now, I CANNOT add another
Also me: What if I was in Haikyuu?
Hi friends! So I'm really excited about this book and I think it'll be a lot of fun BUT it'll be slow on updates, I'm not gonna lie.  I'm sorry if you were hoping for timely updates, but I simply do not have the time to keep up with solid updates for yet another book plus all my schoolwork.  Also, our mc is lowkey gonna be taking Tanaka's spot a fair amount of the time (just cause I thought that would be the best place to stick her) so sorry about that if that makes you mad!  Anyways, thanks you guys for the support and I hope you like my newest story!

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