Ch 21: Futakuchi Can't Just Say Hi

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To be completely honest, the first game you all played was boring.  It was more than obvious within the first few minutes who would be winning this game, with or without Hinata's monster quick attack.

Up in the stands, the Aoba Johsai members who had attended the first day's matches in an effort to scout the team of rookie crows watched the game curiously.

"How about that," the head coach mumbled, glancing over at your very own convenience store owner as he noticed Hinata using a much slower attack.  "They used to rely on raw power to score all their points.  Now they're getting smart."

"Ah, that reminds me," Aoba Johsai's assistant coach quickly spoke up.  "There's something that's been bothering me about that tiny left hitter of theirs.  I don't think I've seen him miss a single block since the start of the game even though he's way shorter than the guys on the other side of the net."

"Yes, I didn't notice it during the practice game since I was so caught up in that insane quick of theirs, but their number 13 is quite the interesting player as well," the coach nodded, turning his gaze to you.  "If I'm not mistaken, I believe he's moving before the set goes up every time."

"A-are you serious?  Doesn't Shiratorizawa have a middle blocker who does that as well?"  The young man gasped, turning to stare at you as well.

"No, this is different from his play style," the coach shook his head slightly.  "Shiratorizawa's player employs surprisingly accurate guess blocking. Karasuno's 13, on the other hand, moves almost as if he's read blocking.  I'm not sure I can describe it, but it's as if they differ in what they analyze about their opponents.  Shiratorizawa watches the individual players and their tells — his physical analysis of hitters is so advanced that there isn't a single muscle twitch that goes unnoticed by him — while Karasuno observes the team as a whole and which plays they will be using next — as if, rather than any physical tell, he's analyzing the way his opponents think.  The accuracy of it is almost frightening."

"You can't actually be saying a first year player is able to predict the next play every time and act on it?"

"That is exactly what I'm saying.  He will be a tough opponent to deal with, especially since he's already played us once.  At least he hasn't seen us with our official setter, but I'd be willing to bet almost anything he's already got a good read on us."

Not too far away from where the pair of coaches were carefully observing the flock of crows, their players had taken to doing the exact same thing. "Are these guys actually about to win the set?" Kindaichi breathed in shock.  He couldn't wrap his mind around the idea that Kageyama might actually be supporting his teammates.

"Yeah, that libero's not playing around, dude," Iwaizumi said, directing his attention to the player in question.  "Not just that.  I think that guy with the stubble is really helping support Kageyama's sets.  (L/N), too.  It's like no matter where he gets the ball, he'll make it land."

"Oh, c'mon, he's not that good.  The kid's tiny," Kindaichi scoffed, trying his best not to think about how terrified he'd been himself when he had to play against you.

"You can't really believe that," Oikawa hummed from where he was sitting nearby.  "(L/N)-san is good at what he does.  He plays with the experience of a third year.  He could definitely use some polishing, but pretty soon, that kid is gonna be terrifying."

"Huh, that was surprisingly decent of you, capta--"

"Plus, Cutie-chan is just so adorable!  Who could ever focus against a face like that?"

"Dammit, Trashykawa!"


The game was over before too long, Karasuno getting an undisputed victory by a rather wide margin.  The real challenge was still ahead of you.  The next game was against Date Tech, and you were unbelievably excited for it.

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