Beginning Of The End

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Tricking my parents and the school of my "stomach flu" ruse was the easiest part of my plan. Being alone was the hardest. Jake was completely engulfed with monitoring the vampires and Scott was too busy obsessing over them. Each night I would call Scott and get the latest update on the "Cullen Family" five of the most beautiful high school students anyone ever has set eyes on. Through Scott's vivid description of them, they truly embodied everything Jake and the rest of the pack told me about the "cold ones". They embodied a timeless presence that showed in their appearance, language and allure. They had the best clothes and the most gorgeous trans-atlantic accents that was so new to everyone, even the teachers were impressed. Scott had grown increasingly close with the quirky and charming member of the bunch named Alice. Scott liked her so much because she seemed genuinely accepting of him, just like me. She was into fashion and elegance and added, "a bit of spice" to the usual mundane and boring Forks. Scott begged me to hang out with the two of them once I was feeling better and I obliged. Our call was cut short when I heard a light tap on my bedroom window.

"Who's that" I questioned, while tip-toeing towards the window.

"Y/N, it's me- back up so I can get in." Jake uttered before jumping through the window.

"God Jake! A little warning before busting through my window?" I grunted, half angry, half frustrated. "You said you were going to keep me updated, I haven't heard from you in two whole days." I rolled my eyes and folded my arms over my chest, letting out a huge puff of air.

"Well Y/N, it's hard when I have to track a vampire all the way to freakin' Canada just to keep you safe." Jake stood his ground, his spiked black hair still glistening with fresh raindrops. Even when I was frustrated at him, I had to admit he still looked gorgeous. Still, I had to keep up my act of defiance, so I wrapped my head in a towel, and proceeded to move to the door. Placing his hand in front of the doorknob, Jake locked his eyes deeply within mine,

"Y/N, please don't be like this. I really missed you and- I want to talk to you." He pleaded with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, Jacob." I propped myself on the bed and crossed my legs.

"I know I've been MIA for the past few days, but some things have come up. This clan of vampires are tricky." Jake searched the floor, looking for the right words to say.

"We met with the leader, Carlisle? Of course he's a filthy bloodsucker but honestly, he doesn't seem like a bad guy." Jake grunted between his teeth.

"Okay, so what's the big deal? They don't eat people, so just tell them to keep up the good work!" I chuckled lightly

"Y/N, you don't see the issue. They could be lying, they could slaughter the entire town." Jake started with a clenched jaw.

"That could be true but Scott seems to be talking to them quite well." I smirked, remembering our earlier conversation.

"Scott, doesn't know what the hell he's talking about, he should be very very careful before he ends up benign their next meal." Jake stated. He began pacing around the room,

"Jake, I can't call off anymore school. I appreciate the caution but really I don't think they're a threat to the town or to me." I shrugged my shoulders and took a sip of water.

"Sam thinks so too, I'm starting to think I'm the only one who thinks they might be dangerous." Jake took a seat at the edge of the bed, and placed one warm hand on my leg. "Maybe I should drop it, it's obviously not helping either of us." He smirked. "How are you doing with all of this?" He questioned.

"I'm fine, I just really missed you Jake." I mindlessly pulled at the edges of fabric sticking out from my blanket. "I really don't want you to get hurt" I confessed bleakly.

"I would never leave you here alone. You are my life now, remember?" He smiled while taking my hand, putting it up against his lips and flashing a devilish grin. "Also, wolves are much faster, stronger and honestly cooler than any vampire." He joked while pulling me in a tight embrace.

"Now that you are miraculously healed from your horrible case of stomach flu, you wanna grab some gorgeous pizza?" Jake pulled me up and put his warm sweatshirt on me and out the window we went. The rest of the night was a blur.


As I returned back to the mundane hum-drum of school of my first day back, I was greeted with a wave on inquires of if I'd seen the "gorgeous new family" yet. They were literally what everyone was talking about, in every class the students were either discussing how one of them knew fluent French, or how one could out-run even the track star in P.E. According to literally everyone, they were the ticket of bringing Forks, "out of the dark ages". I couldn't believe how awe-struck everyone was by this new family, and by 2nd period I was anxious to get a good look at them to see what all the fuss was about. The out of tune bell buzzed to release us from second period and I was on autopilot to the quad to meet Scott. The bright lights of the hallway illuminated my path, and a tall head of deep brown hair caught my attention. I could only see the back of his head, but honestly if his rear matched his front- I could see the mass appeal. I followed the mysterious figure from behind, until we reached the quad, where I found an enthusiastic Scott pointing to the brown haired boy and mouthing, "That's Edward" and then pretending to faint. I jogged over to the table and dumped my bag on the table.

"Jesus Scott, literally everyone is talking about this family. That one's Edward?" I panted, half exhausted from trying to keep pace with a vampire.

"Girl YES, you see the rest over there?" He pointed to a filled table with five of the most beautiful creatures I have ever seen, next to Jake of course. "See those two? They're twins, the curly haired guy is named Jasper, and the fuckign stunner is named Rosalie. The big hairy guy? Thats Emmett and hes strong, like capital STRONG. The short haired one is my friend Alice and last but not least, the hunk you followed is Edward." Scott smirked to himself, managing to remember all of their names and attributes.

"Wow, uhm, yeah- I see why everyone's obsessed now." I breathed.

"Wanna say hi to Alice?" Scott proposed.

"Oh god Scott, I don't know- they look busy. I have a cheese stick I need to eat." I racked my brain for excuses. I could feel the whole table of vampires eying me from a distance.

"Oh stop being a baby! Alice is super nice, come on!" Scott jumped up and dragged me from our rickety little table in direction of the Cullen clan. Before we even arrived, Alice already was on her feet ready to embrace Scott.

"Alice! Babes you look ah-mah-zing!" Scott squeled and twirled Alice around, admiring her outfit.

"Oh this little thing? Why thank you Mr.Scott!" She smirked and chuckled lightly. She then turned her attention to me and smiled,

"Who's your gorgeous friend here?" I smiled shyly and awkwardly rubbed my arms.

"THIS! Alice, this is my very very best friend in the entire fucking world Y/N!" He gently shoved me forward into the welcoming arms of Alice.

"Very nice to meet you Y/N! My name is Alice and this is my wonderful family." She gestured to the group, where I was met with a dozen pairs of intense crimson eyes.

"Hello, very nice to meet you all. I've heard very good things about you." I smiled meekly. The blonde scoffed and played with her food.

"Yeah right, everyone here is either too scared to talk to us or thinks we're freaks." She flashed a devilish grin.

"Oh lordy, don't mind her! She's just a little grouchy! Or hangry!" Alice patted my arm. "Well, I'm going to Port Angeles this afternoon to find fabric for a little project I'm working on. Would you two like to join me?" Before I could even take a full breath, Scott put his hand on his chest and in pledge like fashion stated,

"We would be fucking honored Alice."

And that was the beginning of the end.

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