Coffee & Boys

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Authors Note: Hey! It's the Author here, I just want to thank everyone for reading this story. It's not perfect and I wrote during a break from school and I loved writing every part of it. If you're going through a hard time I just wanted to let you know that I've been there and I hope this story can bring just a little bit of joy or laughter. Thank you for all of the reads and hopefully I'll find the time to write something new this year! :) With much love - cloudlesscliche

The frustrated thump of my trigonometry textbook rattled throughout the entire house. I could hear my precious golden retriever bark from the stairs at the sudden booming noise. I am so beyond done with school, I thought, what is keeping me from being a full time hippie somewhere? School was always my top priority, my go to excuse for ditching the rare invitation to a social function. I always had a hot date with English, Math or the always needy History that filled my nights with constant attention. Growing up with poor parents instilled a work ethic that made me determined to not end up in the same situation of my mother. What if I fail this trig test? I'll be totally screwed for college apps- the thoughts swirled around in my mind as I decided to take a break to focus on my new present hunger pangs. I trotted downstairs in my muted gray pants. I was underwhelmed by the present options in the pantry, stale white bread, opened sardines and a sad abandoned juice box. What time is it? I thought- I flicked my antique watch to find it was only six o' clock, the local coffee shop was still open for business. I inspected my tattered messenger bag to find a few stray dollars left over from my tutoring sessions earlier this week. Tutoring helped for my excessive college application fees and let me treat myself after tumultuous hours of studying. My parents always tried their best to provide for me and my younger sister Ana, I was grateful for the times they could spend in between their busy work schedules. I grabbed a nearby jacket and threw on some boots for my trip to the local coffee shop.

As soon as I shut the rickety door to my modest home, the cool breeze of light rain hit my face. I glanced to the sky to see the usual overcast of the Washington landscape comforted my soul and brought an ease to my earlier stresses. I popped in my earbuds and scrolled through Spotify for my usual walking playlist. My fingers scrolled meticulously through my usual choices when I spotted my favorite playlist- a mixture of Washington themed emoji's. I chuckled softly as I hit play on the playlist and the same familiar tune began to play, "Silver Soul" by Beach House hummed delicately through my ears. I closed my eyes as the intimate crunch of gravel hit my shoes as I began my trek down the foggy street of Forks. The mundane buzz of cars put by as the same neighbors flashed modest smiles as I walked past- granting them each small wave of kindness. I could see the obsolete neon sign of "Forks Coffee" beaming from the street. I slightly quickened my pace as the usual chime of the door welcomed me in,

"Hey Y/N!" Scott shouted from behind the cluttered glas, preparing a complicated but delicious looking cappuccino, creating art with the foam,

"What's up Scott?" I plopped down on the comfortable wooden chairs and pushed it towards the coffee machines. There was only myself and one other customer, so I pulled out my laptop and made myself comfortable.

"Order up!" Scott pushed the drink in the pickup area, the man thanked him and left a hefty tip in the tip jar.

"Dang Scott, maybe I should stop tutoring and become a barista" I chuckled while browsing through the latest pop culture articles,

"Hilarious Y/N, I would say yes if your coffee didn't taste like literal shit." Scott jeered at me, wiping off the machines. Scott was one of my best friends from middle school, we were so blessed to get through each other's awkward and goofy phases into our now solidified status of A-1 nerds. Scott whipped off his barista apron and joined me at the table, kicking his shoes on the table,

"Manners much?" I laughed, pushing his feet off the table. I propped up my laptop and jogged behind the counter, grabbing a discount cookie and pouring a drip coffee into a mug only employees used. I stirred in some creamer and dropped some sugar into the gorgeous creamtic mug,

"God, you shoudlve seen the customer that came in here earlier. He was seriously so gorgeous" Scott commented casually while tossing his stress ball in his hands. I looked up quickly and rolled my eyes at Scotts statement. I was the only person in Forks and maybe the universe that knew that Scott was gay. I felt honored to be able to comfort my best friend in the daunting task of coming out to a predominantly conservative town. One of our huge plans after graduation was to attend a pride festival in one of the major cities. My shoulders loosened, I was so happy to get my mind off of school and hear all about Scott's new coffee crush,

"He was like 5'11, super dark tan and gorgeous- I mean GORGEOUS brown eyes." He exclaimed loudly, adding a chef's kiss at the end of his statement,

"Really? Did you catch his name?!" I looked up

"God Y/N, I was so fucking wrapped up in this greek GOD- do you think I was focused on names?! I was trying not to pass out!" He sassed, rolling his eyes jokingly.

"Hm, well maybe I should drop by more often to witness the freaking smokeshow" I chuckled while taking a sip of the perfect brew.

"How's everything at home? Ana still making you want to rip your hair out?" Scott asked, he was always concerned about my well being and I was always grateful for it,

"Yeah, she's still going through that annoying phase where she's trying to live like a famous Youtuber and it's getting on my nerves!" I laughed, taking a bite of my pastry.

"Ugh, I remember when my little brother went through that phase. He started filming everything and spoke out loud like he was talking to an audience- my dad stopped that shit quick" Scott chuckled white squeezing the stress toy.

"Besides that, dad's still away on work and mom's still at the hospital- no new tantilizing details." I smiled, leaning across the table, burying my head into the cool cherry wood. Scotts face suddenly flashed with a pang of anxiety,

"Shit, shit, shit- topics for the Forks History project are due tonight for Mrs-fucking-Paulson. Do you have yours yet?" Scott spoke in a panicked tone.

"I was deciding between wood collecting and visiting the local tribes and learning more about the history of their culture." I flipped mindlessly through tabs in my laptop.

"Oooh, smart- that hot guy earlier had a wicked tattoo, maybe that's a sign to do the local tribes?" Scott asked, he shifted his fire engine red hair into a sporty bun. I googled quickly some of the nearby tribes and a familiar name kept popping up in the searches,

"Says here the local tribe here is called the Quileute tribe located by Clallam County and there's some settlements by La Push." My eyes kept scanning the page for any other information I could extract.

"That sounds great to me, let's submit our topic and we can visit later this week, yes?" I nodded,

"I'll give them a call tomorrow and see when they can arrange a visit." I clasped my hands together with excitement. I jumped up and ran around the coffee bar- giving Scott a huge bear hug from behind. "I get to work with my BESTIE, I'm sooo lucky!" I yelled in a sing-song manner. Scott hugged me back while preparing a drink of his own.

"Quileute tribe, here we come!"

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