In Conclusion

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For the next three weeks before graduation, not much changed- but everything had changed. The vampire and wolf relations were stronger than ever and Alice and I were able to regain our friendship. School was mundane and tedious as usual, but it was exciting to be the sole witness in the disappearance of Scott. Every night we facetimed and caught up on the latest gossip that now was his life. He went on for hours and hours on the latest celebrity he met or Ferrari he spotted while hanging out in California. Our plan for graduation was everything we embodied as friends, it was fierce, fearless and most importantly- bold. The next morning in Mrs.Paulson's class, I found myself pondering on a few topics, but mostly dreading my impending valedictorian speech. I mindlessly tapped on the wooden desk as Mrs.Paulson joined me at my side.

"Excited for your speech?" She smiled her usual warm smile

"Of course, I'm just counting the hours" I responded sarcastically, Mrs.Paulson chuckled and tapped her finger on the desk.

"Well I'm sure your family will be proud of you. You've done a remarkable job. Really." She smiled and patted me lightly on the back. She began to walk away when she suddenly had a thought and turned around.

"And your research paper? My god, I couldn't put it down, the relations between the tribe and mystical creatures and even folklore? Genius, really." She nodded her head and walked back towards her desk, where she was greeted with a student who needed help on an assignment. I mindlessly scrolled on my laptop when an idle tap on my shoulder startled me,

"Do you think Scott will show up to gradution? Is he still alive?" Some nosy classmate of mine asked with a tinge of rudeness. In order to keep the secret, Scott ghosted his old social media accounts and made burners with only the Cullens and myself added. Internally, I scoffed but for now, I had to keep up the charade.

"No one has heard from Scott in months, and honestly when he comes back- you will be the first to know sweetheart" I flashed a fake grin and turned back to my work. Typing mindlessly on my computer, a single message popped up in the corner of my screen.

*Are we on to practice your speech later? :)* Came through from Alice.

*Duhhh!! Meet you at your place!* I smiled and clicked through the message thread, ready for the bell to finally ring.


The days mindlessly ticked by until the night of graduation, and everyone in the world seemed more prepared than me to finally leave Forks Highschool for good. My little sister had picked out an amazing new dress as my parents waited downstairs with flowers and gifts in hand. In my shiny new cap and gown, I tried my best to inhale each special moment as they quickly passed into oblivion. My parents informed me that I would not be riding with them as they ushered me outside. I was greeted with a pack of boys including Emily that I now called my family. They had decorated Jake's truck completely with banners that spelled out my name and "Happy Gradution" and was blasting my favorite tunes. Jake was in front of the truck, grinning widely with his arms open. I ran and jumped into his arms and embraced him tightly

"Jake oh my god what did you do?!" I laughed into his ear

"I'm so fucking proud of you! You did it" He spun me in the air and placed me down. "Now, our final mission- your speech"

"God don't remind me. Let's go before I change my mind pluhleeese" I grinned while he ushered me in the truck, while the rest of the pack piled in the back and separate cars. The looming sight of the illuminated football field caused my nerves to go in a frenzy. I focused my attention on my highly organized notes, mulling over every minute detail of each breath, pause and joke that hopefully the audience could appreciate. I bit my lip nervously as Jake slowly pulled into the parking lot. I slowly put my notes down and stared into the brightly lit stadium, where I could see my peers lining up to get into the stadium, before I got out the car, Jake ran over to the other side and opened the door for me,

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