Chicken Noodle Soup for the Wolves

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I felt my heavy eye-lids slowly flicker open to the sound of an oven beeping. My head was throbbing uncontrollably as I adjusted myself on the comfortable sheets of my bed, wait- I hate plaid, THIS ISN'T MY BED! My eyes quickly widened as I shuffled onto the edge of the bed, it was dimly lit- I smelled the comforting smell of chicken noodle soup coming from the kitchen. The memories drifted back into my mind, I closed my eyes to faintly remember the few moments of consciousness before I drifted into sleep. Before I could fully immerse myself into cryptic thought- the door cracked open to reveal a pensive Jacob.

"Uh- hey Y/N, how are you feeling?" Jacob looked softly. I liked the way he looked at me.

"I'm okay Jacob, you just dropped some heavy stuff on me and my brain kinda fried" I chuckled and swung my legs over the bed. Jacob smiled and took a seat next to me.

"Yeah, about that- that's totally my fault, I was so stupid for telling you that all at once." He looked genuinely disappointed in himself. In a knee jerk move, I grabbed his hand,

"You saved my life Jacob. It's okay. Oh, uh- sorry." I smiled awkwardly and attempted to move my hand away, causing Jacob to grip it.

"Are you sure? I mean your eyes glazed over like donuts Y/N" He smirked.

"As long as you don't tell me that Santa Clause is real and I've been getting rich off the tooth fairy since I was 6" I laughed.

"About that...-" Jacob teased, I playfully shoved him with my free arm, when for a moment I realized that our hands were still together. His hand was hot, really hot,

"Jeez, are wolves like 1,000 degrees? Your hand is on fire Jacob" I was taking fumbles left and right.

"Please Y/N, call me Jake. I cruise at a nice 108 degrees at all times." Jacob scoffed at my shocked expression.

"Well I should take back the heater I just got, oh my god." I wiped my hand with my pants stealthily, trying to avoid awkwardness at all costs. Jacob could feel me getting overwhelmed by our conversation and quickly got up.

"Hey, uh- if you're hungry, do you want some soup? I made some." I cracked a smile and headed towards the kitchen. His house was small and quaint and smelled like roasting pine. I felt such an immense amount of comfort around Jacob already that I found hard to explain. I sat quietly at the table as I casually watched Jacob prepare me a delicious looking bowl of chicken noodle soup. I heard the low buzz of the local news channel, where a news reporter talked of a bear attack in the area. I grabbed the controller and turned the volume up.

"....Authorities are investigating a bear attack in the lower quadrant of the forest here. This is still an active crime scene and Forks police are asking that any hikers avoid the Garden Crest trail until further notice, Pam- back to you." I turned the T.V off and turned towards Jacob who was placing my soup on the table.

"Hey Jake, did you hear about this bear attack?" Jacob slightly rolled his eyes

"Not a chance in hell that was a bear Y/N, remember those vampires I was telling you about?"

"You're kidding me, there's more than one?" I looked stunned, all of a sudden my soup didn't look so appetizing.

"I have so much to tell you Y/N" Jacob stated worryingly


After finishing my soup, Jacob thought it would be a good idea for us to take a walk around the gorgeous reservation. He explained to me the legend of The Cold Ones and the treaty the tribe made with them many years ago. He also explained to me how not every member in the family turns into a shapeshifter and it only occurs when vampires are present. He told me magnificent stories of war and restoring the traditions the settlers tried to erase. The way he told stories was amazing, I found myself captivated in each word- each syllable that came out of his mouth. After he was done explaining everything to me, all I had was one singular question.



"So are you going to tell me what imprinting is?" I asked quietly under my breath

"Oh, yeah. About that" Jacob stuttered

"Is it bad?" I questioned. Jacob stopped walking and faced me, looking rather intentensly into my eyes.

"Y/N, imprinting is one of the most powerful experiences that a wolf can have. We can't control it, once it happens- it can never be broken. It's a bond with someone thats so intense- so powerful tha-"

"So it's like love at first sight? But instead you kinda die a little bit" I smirked softly.

"Uh, a little I guess. It's a bond, kind of like a soulmate? You're basically my perfect match?" He spoke so quietly that I could barely hear him.

"Before I saw you, that day, I felt my world- or at least the world I knew was missing something. I mean I was happy, I had friends, I had ambition, I had the pack but everything was sort of out of sync you know? The moment I saw you, the moment our hands touched- I knew that everything clicked into place. I just didn't know that it would be so strong, Sam and Mia helped me recover and I was going to try to find you. I couldn't find the words to say to you without freaking you the hell out. Then when I saw you today in the field, I couldn't help but protect you. You're the center of my world Y/N." I breathed heavily through my nose, trying not go completely deer in headlights over this but I was petrified. I closed my eyes, searching for the best way to communicate my feelings.

"Jake, I don't know what to say." I looked at the ground

"You don't have to say anything, I know I'm dropping a lot on you right now but I have to tell you this, or else it wouldn't be fair. We're going to take it slow, we'll be dumb teenagers and I'll take you on cheesy dates to see Grease or go egg Sam's house." This made me smile, I could feel the beat of my heart quicken.

"Movies you say? Hopefully you won't try to kiss me" I jeered.

"Promise I won't even call you after" I rolled my eyes and playfully hit his shoulder. More such an intense guy, it was fun to be able to joke around and make light of the situation. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, mindlessly- I picked up the phone and saw 14 missed calls from my sister and 29 missed calls from my DAD.

"Oh shit Jake, can you take me home?" I pleaded

"Missed call from Dad?"

"Uh- yeah"


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