Who's Jacob Black?

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The endless history lecture from Mrs. Paulson drowned out all working consciuoussness from my mind while I scribbled illegible notes on my dingy notepad. Before I could write down the last bit of information spewing out of her mouth, the relief of the bell released me into the rest of my day,

"Thank you class, before we go- please submit your Forks history projects into the box. See you Monday."

I stuffed my belongings into my bag and pulled out my assignment rubric with our proposed idea scribbled on the front. I flashed a quick smile to Mrs.Paulson while submitting my assignment, who returned my gesture and reminded me to send her the link to my college application references. Before I could respond, she was lecturing one of the late students and I was out the door into the crowded hallway. I kept my head low in the constant stream of incoming students, dodging small groups forming and aiming right for the parking lot. I popped my headphones in and turned up the first song I spotted in my library, "Borderline" by Tame Impala. I clicked the metal bar to open the steel doors into the cold parking lot. Walking in the direction of the coffee shop, I spotted a group of giggling girls flipping through a dating app. I could not care less about the local dating pool in Forks. If you weren't excessively local and not willing to date a future gas station attendant, the dating options were pretty slim. I had my fair share of crushes but I always saw boys as a distraction to my goals of being a cardiovascular surgeon. The slick road created small puddles which caused my shoes to get soaked, great- I have at least another mile to go. Rolling my eyes in annoyance, I trudged towards the stop sign and pounded on the crossing button.


The coffee shop was buzzing with the usual afternoon crowd. Scott spotted me and waved with a relieved expression on his face. His red locks were fashioned with a cute clip which framed his face. His brown eyes flickered over the order receipts as the line began to build. I decided to give him some time to get off his shift while I searched for a quiet corner in the busy café. A familiar buzz came from my bag, I searched through it to find my phone with a new notification- a confirmation from the Quileute tribe confirming Scott and I's tour for the following day. I had been chatting back and forth with a kind receptionist who arranged a special meeting with Billy Black, who's grandfather was Ephraim Black, a reknowned elder of the tribe. We would be meeting on the reservation at 7am in front of the community center, bright and early I thought. I placed my laptop on the table and began flickering through more articles regarding the tribe to gather more information. With each article, more questions began to arise. Various legends and stories had been passed around regarding an urban legend called the "cold ones" and generations of great Spirit Chiefs being passed around from generations. My mind swirled with amazement and my excitement grew with each published word. Minutes warped into an hour when Scott's bellowing laugh filled the café,

"Hey Y/N! Thank you for waiting, this shift was absolutely BRUTAL! Any updates on the project?" He smiled, sitting down and placing a delicious looking iced coffee in front of me. Scott whipped out his laptop and placed it on the table, already meticulously writing notes on the upcoming assignment. I forwarded the confirmation letter and wavered my eyes towards him,

"I just forwarded the letter to you Scotty, we have to be there at seven so can you pick me up at 6:30 at my house?"

"Jesus, 7am? What exactly will we be doing as the ass crack of dawn?" Scott scoffed, taking a sip of his drink

"We're meeting with one of the sons of the chief, his name is Mr.Black. Scott, I'm seeing some crazy shit on this website. Legend says here they are descendants of some shape shifting creature and-"

"Probaly bullshit Y/N" Scott laughed

"Ugh, I don't know- this looks pretty outlandish to me but I can't wait to ask him about it." I chuckled, saving numerous websites and articles into my bookmarks. This project was one of the last of my senior year. The memories of my high school years seemed to come in waves, being so focused on succeeding drained out all of the unnecessary noise of drama and worrying about who was going to ask me to the cheesy dance. Being so hyperfocused helped me achieve great things such as being on the honor list and a shoe in for Valedictorian but it always had me wondering, am I focusing on the right things?  Will I look back in ten years and regret not having fun? The thoughts churned in my head as I prepared the opening statement, a hypothesis of what my thoughts of what I expected the outcome of my project to be. I clicked open a new word document and began typing my intro:

The Quileute Tribe, settling into their respective reservation in 1855 with the United States of America have a respectable and incredibly intriguing culture surrounding their history as a native tribe. Forming their own government near the La Push beach in Washington, I am honored and excited to be meeting with Billy Back, son of Ephraim Black, former elder. I am expecting to learn more about the culture and history of this tribe and be able to relate to their struggle.

I pressed save and closed my laptop when a certain blonde caught my eye, she moved so smoothly and confidently through the moderately crowded space it wasn't hard to stare. Her pastel pink overcoat glimmered gorgeously through the mirage of muted earthtones Forks was known for. Baby blue heels clicked across the antiquated shop- causing a few people to whip their heads around in slight shock. God, who wears heels when it rains? Only freaking Savannah. See- in Forks, we didn't really do popular groups or mean girls, our city was divided into above 6th and below 6th and wherever your house happened to fall by is where your social fate was set. Classist really. This rule only seemed to apply to highschool when the social climate really seemed to intensify. Obviously since Savannah and I were bound at the hip until 8th grade- when she discoverd boys and I discovered career paths. Our split was amicable but every once in a while I still wanted to place a nice shiner on her new nose job for spreading a rumour that I farted while kissing Joey Parker in 10th grade. Scott greeted Savannah with the warmest fake greeting while the barista took her coffee order.

"God Savannah, that coat is so cute!" Scott jeered with the lightest inflection of annoyance.

"Thank you Scott, trying my best to keep warm! My dad got it for me at his latest trip to Europe, it has a RFID chip that allows resellers to know it's authentic- even comes with matching gloves!" She chuckled loudly and waved her matching pairs of pale pink driving gloves. Scott scrunched his face and smiled- mirroing her cheery disposition. Savannah always humble bragged about her dad working merchandising for a big box mall store. Truthfully, the amazement of that career choice became  jaded as the consequences of fast fashion and the environment became public. Instead of strutting she quietly boasted her garments that were literally killing the planet. I instinctively ducked my head when she whipped around her body after completing her order, trying my best to avoid any unwanted interactions with my old friend. Savannah being Savannah, she smirked and caught my awkward grimance as she called out my name,

"Y/N! Omigod, it's been so long! How are you girlie?" She squealed and hugged me, I begrudgingly hugged her back, rolling my eyes only so Scott could see.

"Ah, good, hey Savannah" trying to utilize as many filler words I could muster in my expansive vocabulary.

"I heard you're doing your report on the Quileute tribe for Paulson's class. Did you know I'm dating one?" She beamed. She described dating a tribe member as collecting a new rare pair of shoes or purchasing a new handbag. I cringed internally as she went on and one about dating a boy named Jacob Black who was as dreamy as the day is long and was unusually hot- both figuratively and literally. I explained to her how I was meeting his father tomorrow and her mood darkened slightly. I took this as a sign not even the perfect Savannah hadn't met Mr.Black yet,

"You know, we've only been dating for a few months now. I'm sure there's some reason why I haven't met him yet. No worries you know!" 

I grinned while taking a short sip of coffee. Sure Jan, I rolled my eyes internally. As much as I relished in learning the intimate details of my former best friends love life- I had more pressing issues to attend too. I made up sad reason to excuse myself from the mental anguish and took my attention to the mysterious son of Billy Black. I wonder if he knew more about these stories.

Whatever he knew, I was finding out.

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