Interview With a Vampire

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The light mood of the previous night seemed to vanish into the past as Jake and I drove into the lonesome road leading into the Cullen's estate. Our hands were tightly intertwined as the large looming mansion suddenly came into view. I barely blinked my eyes and I could see the outlines of figures appearing on the steps, reflecting from the bright morning sunlight. Jake thought it would be best to come during the day, to help ease tensions, and I desperately hoped that he was right. We pulled up on the gravel road, where we were greeted by the Doctor, Edward and a big burly one with curly hair. I shot Jake a concerned look while he killed the engine,

"Ok Y/N, it is very important that you do what I say. We have this whole place surrounded, the rest of the pack is here and phased so don't worry we have plenty of backup. You need to stay in the car until I say so. I love you" Jake reassured me.

"I love you too Jake." I let out a breath before Jake pushed the door open, facing the blonde vampire.

"Hi Carlisle, think you know why we are here." Jake got right to the point. Carlisle seemed very refined, very polished.

"Nice to see you Jake. Actually no, we are very surprised to have you here with us today. Is there a matter you would like to discuss?" I could audibly hear the growl from Jake and he rolled his eyes.

"Scott, was last seen with your fairy daughter two days ago? Hasn't been seen since. What did you do with him?" Jake stated plainly.

"Hmm, Scott- why yes, he did join us for dinner but then was driven home by a, hm, what do you call it-"

"Uber, dad" Edward interjected, calmly

"Why yes, an Uber, how clever!" Carlisle chuckled lightly. Jake seemed less than amused.

"You bloodsuckers think you are so smart, what did you do with the boy? Kill him and throw away the remains?" Jake growled and got into a defensive position, the wolves in the surrounding woods began to advance closer. On the other hand, the vampires emitted a terrifying sound from their teeth and crouched down, ready to pounce. My blood ran cold. Did it really need to come to this? The tendon was cut by a sudden opening of the door.

"What's all the HULLABALOO about! I'm right here y'all! The man of the hour!" Scott stood at the entrance of the door with a brand new look on him. Almost as if slow motion, Scott strutt down the expansive staircase while dramatically tossing his jacket to the side. He flickered his eyes quickly over to mine and shot me a wink. Immediately, Jacob went into protective mode and focused his eyes on Scott, analyzing every inch of him. I leaped forward to embrace Scott who surprisingly used restraint and hugged me rather lightly, I looked closely into his eyes and noticed they were much darker than usual, and he had a brand new pair of colored contacts.

"Scott, are you okay?" I whispered quietly into his ear. Scott smirked and spun around,

"Babe, I'm better than ever! Do you see these new threads?" Scott chuckled, I noticed Scott flashed Alice a quick look before dragging me into a corner to discuss his mysterious disappearance. I could feel Jakes eyes burning into the back of my head as I followed Scott into the quiet area in the clearing. I nervously pulled on my sweater sleeve while Scott led me onto a rock to sit on.

"Scott, what in the actual fuck is going on?" I pressed the temples of my head together with my middle fingers and gently massaged them.

"Oh god Y/N, please calm down- I'm right here. I'm totally fine, glowing actually!" Scott shrugged his shoulders and flashed a brilliant smile. I took a massively deep breath and stared Scott directly in his eyes.

"Scott, you were gone for like three fucking days! Literally no one saw you in person since we all hung out with... Alice." Scott began pacing around,

"I mean yeah, that was pretty sus I mean, I don't know Y/N, I don't wanna-"

"Scott, stop stalling. Trust me, I know more than you think. Actually, just shut up- Let me take a look at you." I got up from the rock and pulled Scott towards me. First, his once gorgeous freckled skin was caked in expertly applied makeup. I gently used my thumbs to rub off the foundation and lightly brushed on blush onto my fingertips. Underneath was pale, but still beautiful skin that reflected a new beauty on Scott. Next, was his eyes, the contacts were obvious as his once emerald green eyes now looked more costumes than natural. Besides the obvious physical changes, Scott looked more confident than ever. His posture was immaculate and although his natural skin was pale, he radiated joy and peace like the sun. I let out a deep breath and rubbed Scott's shoulders and smiled softly.

"Scotty, you're different. But you look so happy."

"Y/N, I don't know what to say. You're my best friend. I don't want to lie to you, ever- but this time I think I have too." His expression saddened me.

"This is about the Cullens, about what they are." I started quietly. Scott shot me a confused and startled look.

"How, what, how do you know?" Scott rattled off quickly.

"I told you, I know more than you think. Did they put you up to this? Did Alice trick you?" i asked, Scott shook his head,

"Y/N, of course not. This was always my plan, I always knew that this was what I wanted to be." I felt my whole body go into shock. Scott knew that the Cullen's were vampires? Suddenly, my mind reeled into all the past interactions we had with the Cullen clan. I guess Scott did know everything about them, but their secret was buried so deep almost no one knew. I kept my outer composure and continued the conversation.

"You knew the Cullens were vampires?" I spoke slowly.

"I'm the one who asked to be changed, Y/N" Scott said, slowly walking in circles. He noticed my panicked expression and began explaining.

"As much as I loved being the cultural rock of this entire fucking town, it was hard being the only out person here. This town is stuck in the 19-fucking-tens and I just got so sick of it. I wanted to find people who were accepting, who wouldn't judge me, who I could relate to. I knew something was off with the Cullens, they were all way too cultured for this stupid ass town- so I found evidence and be-friended Alice. Of course they wanted to make sure I was ready before I made the decision but... It was my own choice, Y/N." My eyes welled up in tears, was I not enough for him? Were my countless hours of listening and understanding not good enough. I got up and began walking towards the house, completely over the conversation. Quickly, Scott began walking after me and pleaded for me to come back.

"Shit, Y/N, I'm so sorry, you know you're my best friend, you're my sister. I never wanted to hurt you." He kept cursing to himself while I proceeded to spot Jake.

"Jake, fuck this let's go." I screamed. I glared at Alice, who quickly looked down and avoided eye contact. Jake with a concerned look on his face, grabbed my hand,

"Y/N, what's wrong?" My eyes filled and stung with tears as I attempted to mutter the words I didn't want to say.

"Scott... he's...a vampire." Jake's eyes went black, and immediately leaped forward to face Carlisle, showing his teeth. No words were exchanged, but I knew that the outcome of this wasn't going to be good. Soon, in the far distant I could hear the faint sounds of wolves, and with each second that passed, the noise got closer and closer...

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