Wolves vs Vampires

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To my human eyes, the following events collapsed in slow motion, the sound of growling then vicious barks, the terrifying noise of breaking branches all set the scene of the biggest vampire/wolve conflict since Jake's grandparents. Jake gained his composure for just long enough to forcefully push me into the clearing away from the violent actions. The push knocked the air out of my chest and before I knew it, my head had connected with the tree stump, knocking me out of consciousness and into complete darkness. Moments later, I was awakened by the presence of a whole wolfpack, surrounding the area, charging towards the Cullen clan. My eyes focused on the vampires, and I couldn't fathom how graceful and coordinated they defended their newest addition into the family. Alice used Jasper to block attacks from Sam and Paul, but the more I focused, the more confused I became. Although the wolves were viciously trying to destroy the vampires and rip their heads off, the vampires were not trying to hurt the wolves or really even touch them at all. As the minutes ticked by, the more exasperated the wolves became and the less energy they had to defend themselves. I knew what I had to do, slowly, I focused my eyes to the ground below me. I instinctively ran my hand over the back of my head, feeling the growing bump that would certainly give me hell tomorrow. I let out a soft sigh and searched for my object. Not too sharp that it would cut too deep and not too blunt to make it more painful than necessary. Suddenly, my eyes fixated on a lonesome shard of glass, perfect for my mission to end this senseless attack. I loosely held the weapon in my hand and shut my eyes, holding my left arm while my right trembled with anticipation of the pain I was going to feel in a moment. I straightened my spine and slowly drug the sharp blade across my forearm, with a stinging sensation following shortly after, using all the strength I had in my voice I quietly whispered,

"S-stop" Almost as in an instant, the heads of the vampires and wolves twisted in my direction. Jake, who was fully phased quickly transformed into his human form and ran towards me,

"God, Y/N are you insane?! What are you doing?" Jake held my arms up as I looked entirely into his eyes.

"The-efi-lighting, it's no-t-t helping-g" The words sputtered out my mouth as I noticed the burning sensation turned into a sharp pain that radiates throughout my body at an alarming rate. Something was seriously wrong as my head began to pound with a ferocious migraine that caused my eyes to shut from the pain.

"Y/N, what's wrong? What did you do?" His voice pleaded. He called over to the rest of the pack who hurried over to my side. Sam quickly assessed the situation,

"The wound looks clean, the cut isn't too deep but we need to find what she cut herself with." Not too far from my side was the object, Sam lifted up what I thought was a clear piece of glass and flipped it to the other side and analyzed the small print which showed small ingrained text with the words "Arsenic" sketched in the side.


"Y/N, can you hear me? Can you hear me?" The faint echoes rattled my earways as a family voice rang clear. It was Carlisle. The stark lighting burned my eyes as I slowly flickered them open. Next I was overcome with the irritating rhythmic "beep" of the monitoring machines that never seemed to end.

"Y/N, what you did was very reckless and you could've died, actually, you should've died. I'm not sure how your body fights off the poison so well." Carlisle acknowledged while adjusting the vials on the machines.

"Well, it stopped the fighting, didn't it? I saw your amazing defense, I know you don't want to hurt the wolves." I smirked softly.

"Hm, our main priority is keeping the peace, not starting a war with the tribe. We respect them, we want to coexist with them." He sighed to himself and turned towards me, "Your labs look spotless, I'm going to keep monitoring you for a few hours but until then, there's someone who wants to see you." Carlisle smiled and left quietly and ushered my favorite wolf in. Jake, now dressed in a very sleek top and trousers leaned against the door frame taking in the whole scene.

"Wow, you look like shit." He grinned and walked towards the bed. He stared in my eyes and rubbed my head, smiling to himself.

"You are so full of it Jake, I'm out here trying to save the damn world and almost die of ancient arsenic poisoning and you are worried that I look like shit?" I chuckled

"You look beautiful no matter what, this whole renegade look really suits you actually" He rubbed my arm and glanced at the monitoring machine. "The rest of the pack left, they want to see you right when you get home, but our beef with the Cullens is over." He stated

"Over? What about the treaty? The rules? Scott?" I questioned,

"There's not much we can do about someone who actively wants to be a bloodsucker, there is no clause in the treaty for that." He shrugged his shoulders and crawled into the small bed, wrapping his arms around me tightly. "Remember when we first met?" He stated warmly.

"How could I forget, we thought you were dying Jake." I chuckled lightly. "All for a stupid research assignment." My mind flashed back to the simple memories, Scott laughing about hilarious school drama, me worrying about school, my heart softed at a time when things were easier to understand.

"All I could think was, here's something I never stopped hearing once I phased for the first time- once you imprint, you'll never be the same. But for some reason, I never could believe it. I thought I could always be alone, but you are so different. You care about your friends so much, you love so hard. You will do anything for the people you love. And thats why I love you Y/N." He smiled and grinned brilliantly,

"I love you too Jake" I smiled and rolled my eyes jokingly, burying my head into his shoulder. For a hour or so we kissed and chatted about the new deal with the vampires being drafted. The new treaty would include cases like Scott, people who would do anything to become a vampire. As long as there were no massive influx in newborns, one or two additions a century would never raise eyebrows, but the Cullens insisted that Scott was the last addition. Soon, Jake had to return home to tell the pack I was fine and perfectly still human,

"There is one person I think you should talk too" Jake rubbed my leg and kissed my forehead. While Scott peeked through the doorway, waiting for his in.

"I love you, see you soon." Jake said, then walking out the door. Scott took a seat and we sat in silence for ten minutes straight. I both would take momentary glances at each other at random points, and after a while, a low chuckle and self contained chuckled finally overflowed into hysterical laughter.

"You are the same old bitch Scott." I smirked and rolled my eyes,

"And you are the same dumb bitch! Are you kidding hoe, you almost killed yourself trying to save my dumb ass, like oh my god!" Scott wailed his arms in the air, his usual over dramatic flare

"I would do anything for you Scotty, you're my best friend, whether you're a vampire, fairy or whatever the fuck else is out there." I chuckled. "I just needed the fighting to stop. I want you to be happy, to be free." Scott leaned over and squeezed my hand lightly.

"You are the smartest and most brilliant woman in the world to me, you have been my rock forever, and now it's time to spread our wings and fly. This is my chance to be who I really am." He smiled and looked out the window

"Yeah, I'm glad you're finally free Scott. And that you can finally quit serving that shit coffee."

"Ok bitch first of all you were first in line for some free coffee, OKAYY?" Scott remarked,

We both took a moment and burst into laughter. Once we finally calmed down, I took Scott's hand and looked him in the eye,

"What do we do now Scott? What is my best vampire friend going to do now?" I smiled lightly.

"First stop, California so I can see what all the fuss is about in West Hollywood. Then maybe Rome, then England. Maybe I can start my own line of perfume or shoes. Who knows! Once you are ready to party though- we are going to tear this world up!" The joy in Scott's eyes radiated everywhere. He was so animated I thought he was going to explode.

"Absolutely, please don't forget me when you're editing Vogue." I chuckled, holding my arms out and embracing Scott tightly.

"I leave tonight for Weho, but I will definitely be back in time for graduation, I might as well get a headstart on the whole diploma thing" Scott mockingly put air quotes around diploma and he rolled his eyes.

"Make sure to send me plenty of pictures Scotty, I wan't all of the dirty dirt." I wiggled my neck around and gave Scott another tight hug. We exchanged a handful more goodbyes before Scott ducked out the door and into the cold night.

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