Driving In Cars With Wolves

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I took my sweet time exiting from Jacob's two toned silver pickup into my driveway, taking each step to glance back at Jacob to scowl at him- each time greeted with a cute wave towards the door. I rolled my eyes and mocked his expression when I finally reached the door, he slowly pulled off into the darkness while I forced myself to face this punishment alone. I cracked the door slowly open as I spotted my little sister Ana at the dining room table watching Trisha Paytas, I pulled out a chair and sat next to her,

"God Ana, Trisha is the worst sometimes hahaha" I smirked, grabbing her phone and liking the video. Ana smiled and snatched her phone back,

"Mom and dad are going to beat your ass Y/N" Out of reflex for my little sister cussing I smacked her hand,

"ANA! Who taught you to say that?! Are you insane?!" I yelled, standing up and heading towards my room. I looked back to find her laughing along to Trisha and that was all the answer I needed. Not wanting to hold the suspense any longer from my parents, I quietly trotted up the stairs, stopping at my parents room to find them discussing among themselves,

"Why look who it is, the notorious ditcher" my dad commented jokingly, my eyes bulged out a little bit, I thought my parents would have been chomping at the bit to put in a jab at me and ground me forever, but they were seemingly in a good mood- a great mood.

"Hi mom, Hi dad- about today, god I'm so sorry about not answering- I got so sick and I-"

"-Don't worry, Scott told us what happened. Y/N, please just tell us if you're leaving school early. We were worried sick!" My mom said with a forgiving expression on her face. Thank-you-SCOTT I thought. Always nice to have a best friend who is quick on their feet. My mom got up from the bed with a devious look on her face,

"Anyways Y/N, you father and I have some really amazing news to share..." She smiled

"Oh god what is it!" I questioned quickly

"Your father got offered the senior project manager position at work. That's over a 45% raise!" She squealed and lunged towards me to squeeze me tightly.

"You're kidding! That's incredible!" I scoffed into my mothers embrace. My dad had been working construction for over 15 years with little to no raises. I know this is what my parents needed. I smiled and gently released from my mom's hug and slid across the room to embrace my dad who was nearly in tears.

"This is going to be really good for us. Maybe I can even get you into that fancy university you wanted to go too" He chuckled lightly.

"You deserve it Dad." I smiled. I bid my parents goodnight and made my way to my bedroom downstairs, shutting the door quietly. I sprawled out on my bed, searching mindlessly on my phone for some good tunes to play as I mulled over the happenings of today. A bright notification flashed across the screen as I scrolled from an unknown number:

Did you parents give you hell?

Who is this? Is this who I think it is?

This is Jake. Asked Mia for your number

Of course he fucking did

Stalker much?? Lol actually false alarm, really great news. My dad got a promotion

That's great, so you're free rn?

Free? I mean homework is caught up so yeah.

Look outside :)

I hesitantly got up from my bed and peered outside my window into the dark Washington wilderness. The slow melody from my phone added a soundtrack to the situation. I searched in the darkness for a few moments before I landed eyes on a newly familiar face waiting pensively by a tree. Trying not to alert my parents of the situation, I waved semi-frantically out my window to alert Jake. He quickly spotted my waves and jogged towards my window. I thankfully lived on the first floor of my house, making sneaking out a much easier feat.

"Hola sleeping beauty" Jake teased while leaning towards the framing of my lonely window

"Gosh Jake, one hangout and now you're obsessed with me?" I smirked while rolling my eyes.

"Obsessed  is a little dramatic, this is all biological love" He slightly bit his lip and looked inside my room. "So is this the hot hangout spot or should I take you somewhere a little more cooler?" He asked.

"I guess I can leave, but only for a little Jake. I have a trig test tomorrow that's worth like more than me" I chuckled.

"Fine" He mocked my tone. I quickly gathered my jacket and shoes and swiftly leapt out of the wide window into my front lawn leading out of the sidewalk. Jake, impressed with my skills, looked me up and down.

"Hm, that was pretty smooth Y/N, if I didn't know any better I would've thought you were half wolf too" He laughed out loud while I playfully shoved him around,

"God Jake, you're too much" I smirked. "So where are you taking me? Nothing's really open this late," I said

"I'm taking you somewhere that's really important to me, but really- I just want to learn more about you." His tone drifted into more serious and I shook my head in agreeance. We walked for a few more yards, and Jacob opened the truck door for me. I slid into the cool leather seats and let out a sigh, for someone I had truly just met- I already felt very comfortable being around Jacob. He had such a liveliness, such an ease that made me feel more comfortable with him than any other sticky highschool guy had ever made me feel. Jacob let me run the aux and what song to play was vital to the outcome of this "hangout", I didn't want to play anything that would give him the wrong idea either way; mulling over each playlist- I decided to play The Doors. Hitting the first song made Jacob's ears perk up,

"Classic rock- I like it" he smiled, turning the engine on

"Yeah, The Doors are my favorite" I chuckled to myself. Jacob took a glance at me,

"So how are you doing?" He asked

"I'm good, I caught my sister watching Trisha Paytas and I think she's a little young an-"

"Y/N, how are you doing, not your sister" Jacob chuckled and gripped the steering wheel, heading towards another side street.

"Oh, right. I'm good, I mean other than almost dying I think I'm on a winning streak now. You kind of hit me with a lot Jake." Once I said the last bit of my sentence, I was worried I might have come off a little harsh. I added a small laugh to lighten the mood.

"No, you're right. I don't know why I did that Y/N. There's so many emotions that I felt I needed to tell you all at once. I'm surprised all you did was pass out." Jacob looked a little disappointed in himself, I attempted to change the subject.

"I'm okay now though" I smiled, "How do you like going to school on the reservation?" I asked with genuine interest.

"Thank god it's senior year. I mean, going to school with the pack is great, we can read each other's minds so it makes tests a breeze" He commented casually . I guess I was going to have to get used to this. I pretended to nod along nonchalantly, when Jacob bursted into laughter.

"God Y/N, I'm putting you through hell. You don't have to pretend that everything I say is normal when it clearly is pretty insane. His comedic timing was impeccable and made me join in on his laughter.

"Thank goodness, I was pretty freaked out Jake." I laughed, we continued to laugh for minutes afterwards when Jake pulled into the clearing towards a group of trees. I looked around for a second when Jake opened the door for me.

"What's this Jake?" I questioned

"This is what made me who I am" He stated confidently "Follow me Y/N"

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