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hot_lilac: kissing my bad boy 👑❤️ 1,809,639💬 1,928,738

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hot_lilac: kissing my bad boy 👑
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h.li: bro I looked ugly :(
[h.li deleted this comment]

lilifans: omg who is he?? He's so hot!!
   ↪️ hot_lilac: haha he's my boyfriend, so, like, don't mess with him! :)

kiki: wow, u moved on so fast? If i were u I would be heartbroken if I'd lost such a precious man like manu!!!
   ↪️ hot_lilac: oh... Him? He didn't deserve me anyway. :)

[Chat between manurios and h.li]

manurios: you mother fucker...

h.li: ah... Manu! We were expecting your beautiful face to come up here any moment!

manurios: yeah, yeah, you and lilac. Don't act all intimidating with me, you bitch. I'm here to tell you to leave me and my girlfriend alone, I haven't messed with you in a long time!

h.li: my dear manu, we're not here for revenge... We're here for that girl.

manurios: don't you dare touch her, you hear me?!?! With my own two hands I'll rip you two apart if you even dare speak to her!

h.li: now manu, be courteous. You didn't used to be like this when you were in the mafia 3 years ago...

manurios: i ended that shit long ago, don't remind me. What do you want, me back in there? No shit, i came off because I wanted to start clean.

h.li: that's part of the reason why we want that girl to know...

manurios: part of it?! I can't go back in there, i can only do one job, my reputation is in line!

h.li: fuck your reputation. If you don't want in, your girls gone. And even if you did go in, she's still going to be dead.  😢

manurios: then what's the point in me doing the fucking job?

h.li: nothing. You won't get nothing. Your girl will know about your shitty past, and die... and there's nothing you can do about it.

manurios: tell me what to do, I'll do it, just leave her out of this. My past— she can't know about that! She can't die either!

h.li: I'm sorry manu, but the moment you broke lilac's heart... You sealed your fate with the mafia leader.

manurios: the fuck....? I thought that bitch said she was better without me??!?!

h.li: of course she is, but my baby wants revenge. Taking your girl will break your heart, and you'll know how she felt.

manurios: she wasn't even "brokenhearted" when I left her, she just cares about her pride!

h.li: doesn't matter. I love her, and I'll do anything to make her happy. I don't care what shit's going on between you two, I'm just here to kill the girl. C'mon manu, you're not tied up to that girl, are you?!

manurios: I'm fucking addicted to her, you fuck. Why are you even telling me this shit, though? Being the mafia leader, you're smarter than that, aren't you?

h.li: what are you saying, you bitch?!

manurios: what I'm saying, my dear henry? What I'm saying is that by now, while you're reading this, I'm already in another country. Please, henry. Did you forget that I used to be your right hand man, the one you taught all the mafia's tricks, the contacts, everything... C'mon, are you that stupid? I haven't forgotten anything of that shit, but you have. Right now... Right now I'm gone, you fucker. While we were texting— from the first text... I was already gone. :)

[manurios blocked h.li]


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