Chapter 22

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(Yoongi's POV)

"Remember, first entrance." I remind Seokjin as him and Y/n leave the house. 

"Got it, be safe. We'll be close by in case you need anything." I nod my head, waving the two out. I poke my head through the window to see Lara's car waiting outside, it had gotten dark and all that she's waiting for is my text. I see Seokjin pulling out of the garage, closing it and heading down the street.

I close the curtain and turn around to face the cop at the bottom of the stairs. "Ready?" He asked, and I nodded my head. thirty minutes before, we had everyone get hooked up with microphones. 

There were two cops inside, four outside. The four that are outside are currently waiting down the street in their vehicle, waiting for the go. Once they have the go from the inside, they'll circle the home. The two inside are at different parts of the house. One in the kitchen, one downstairs. Seokjin and Y/n will be upstairs once they arrive back. 

"Ready." I confirm. I bring my phone out and text Lara, letting her know that the door was unlocked. The officer nods, heading back downstairs. 

I sat myself down in the living room, Lara coming in minutes later. "See you cleaned up the place, oh wait, I did." She laughs. I smiled, standing and bringing her into my arms. Lara returned the hug, humming in my ear as she hugged me tighter. "Oh how I've missed you." She whispered in my ear.

"I missed you too Lara," I say, I could slightly hear the door from the back entrance close. Y/n and Seokjin were back. "Take a seat, let's talk." I take my hand away from her waist as we sat down, Lara reaches over and takes my hand.

"You know, when I found out you injured yourself I became very worried," She said. 'Liar.' "I even came by but your damn manager wouldn't let me in, plus there was this...girl at the top of the stairs. Seokjin wouldn't tell me who she was but I'm pretty sure it was just one of those girls you probably picked up off the street." I clenched my teeth to stop myself from saying anything, I'd defend Y/n if I could right now.

I nod. "I can't remember where I picked her up, I guess I was too drunk." I shrug, Lara chuckles. 'I really hope Y/n can't hear me right now...'

"Now, let's talk about us," Lara started. "We've had our moments but I think if we move past them we can really make things work. We can start new! Maybe even move out of Korea, find a new home and possibly start a family..." She fantasized. 

Internally I was screaming, but from what she could see I was smiling. I could slightly hear Seokjin gasp from upstairs. "That sounds like something that can be worked on, one thing that I would like to end is the little 'group' you have," I addressed. Lara rolled her eyes.

"They're just my friends Yoongi, just because that little girl of yours has gotten hurt doesn't mean anything," She said. There was some sort of confession, but not enough for them to make an arrest. "She was just some low life that you picked up right? What good was she going to do for the world anyway." Lara scoffed.

I clenched my teeth once again. "Lara, she was innocent. She didn't do anything to you." I explained. Lara crosses her arms.

"Didn't do anything to me? She made you cheat on me, that's what she did. Plus, she isn't the only one causing problems, it's you as well Yoongi. When I came here to find you, I find that a woman, who I have no knowledge of, is living in that extra bedroom of yours." Lara continued to argue.

I thought Lara knew it was Y/n that was living with me...she just thinks it's a random woman. She could be spitting a bunch of bullshit, she also said she came by to find me but you'd think she'd know if I wasn't home if the security alarm went off...

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