Chapter 29

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(Y/n's POV)

Aria and I throw our backs against the wall panting, the emergency room was a mess. Gauze, towels, syringes, IV's, scattered everywhere. The four people that came in from the three car pile up were just as messy. Unfortunately, only three out of the four survived.

It was unfortunate, but it was the driver of the first car. They're lucky they made it this far. I look at Aria who had her eyes closed, sweat dripping down her forehead. "You did good Aria." I pant out, Aria turns to me with a smile.

"You did just as good." Aria lifts her hand up as best as she could, my hand coming into contact her hers for a job well done. The CNA's begin cleaning up the ER while Aria and I left for the breakroom to clean up and get dressed into a fresh pair of scrubs.

When we walk into the breakroom, Namjoon and Hoseok's eyes divert from their food to Aria and I. "You guys were in the ER weren't you?" Aria and I nod our heads. "Was it a mess?" Aria and I nod our heads once more. "Well, that's what you get." Hoseok finished as he stuffed his face with more food.

Aria holds her arms up. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Namjoon shook his head. "Oh and by the way, you both owe me $100." Aria said as she pointed to the two boys, their jaws dropping.

"NO WAY!" They yell. I shoot finger guns towards the two before heading into the back to change my scrubs. 

"HAH!" Aria yells before joining me. "I don't even know why they try anymore, I always win anyway." She gloated. I chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah don't ask me, but really? $100 each?" I asked and Aria just shrugged.


After the moment in the emergency room the day seemed to fly by and it was now time for shift change. I turn in my charts, grab my things and wait in the cafeteria for Aria. As I was waiting, Taehyung came over and took the seat in front of me. "How are you feeling?" I asked Taehyung.

"Like ass, thanks." He snapped back. Him and Aria had a contest last night to see who could drink the six pack of beer fastest, Taehyung won...but now he's paying the price. 

"You didn't have to compete with Aria y'know? She takes her drinking very seriously," I comment. Taehyung rolls his eyes. "I'm sorry you don't feel good, at least the day's over?" I try to lighten the mood, it working only slightly.

Aria comes out from the breakroom sometime later, the three of us all walking out together. Aria and I part ways with Taehyung while I took Aria home. Aria throws her head back on the headrest with a long yawn followed after.

"I can't wait to go home and go to bed," She comments. I nod my head in agreement. "So, what's up with yours and Yoongi's relationship? Are you guys dating? Or do you guys just sleep together and kiss every once in a while?" She asked.

I furrow my brows, I guess that was the thing I was forgetting this morning...validation. "That's a good question Aria, I'll get back to you on that one." I answer.

"HE NEVER ASKED?!" She yells.

"NO AND NEITHER DID I!" I yell back, Aria smacks her forehead groaning. 

"Y/N! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!" I hold my hands up in defense causing Aria to freak. "BOTH HANDS!" 

I place my hands back onto the steering wheel, my arms being straight out. The rest of the ride to Aria's house consisted of her lecturing me how important it was for validation when it came to dating. I knew that...I guess it just didn't come to mind right then and there...

But in my defense Yoongi never said anything either, I'm really hoping Seokjin is giving him the same lecture.

(Yoongi's POV)

"YOU DIDN'T ASK HER TO BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND?!" Seokjin yelled causing me to throw my hands up in defense.



I hate when he's right about things like this. But I guess if I think about it, I've never asked a girl to be my girlfriend, everything goes smoothly and they stick around so I go with it. I guess that's why a girl never lasted very long in high school, I never confirmed...well except Lara.

She lasted way too long.

Seokjin rubs his temples out of frustration. "Yoongi, this is why you can't keep a girlfriend," 'There it is' "You have to call her or something, ask her. If you don't then what? You're going to lose one of the best things that has ever happened to you and you're going to hate yourself for the rest of your life." Seokjin had some very valid points.

I grab Frankie and roll over to the couch, throwing myself onto it and sighing. "I don't know how to approach the situation, do I just call her and say, 'Hey I know we've slept together and kissed and...stuff but do you want to be my girlfriend?'" I mock.

Seokjin clapped his hands together. "YES. JUST LIKE THAT!" He encouraged.

"Seokjin I don't think you're catching what I'm throwing, I don't want to sound like an egotistical asshole who is only in it because she has something that I can get down on." Seokjin raised his brow. "What's that look for?"

"'I don't want to sound like an egotistical asshole' If you don't wanna act like that then explain what the first two nights were in the hospital," He mocked, I roll my eyes. "Yeah that's what I thought." Seokjin sits himself down in front of me. "Just call her, I'm sure she's probably getting the same lecture you are right now by Aria."

I nod my head. "What time is she off of work?" I asked, Seokjin just shrugs. I don't know why I asked him, it's not like he knows her schedule off the top of his head. "I'll just call her and hope for the best." I grab Frankie and roll over to the stairs, hobbling up one step at a time.

(Y/n's POV)

I toss myself and my bag onto the couch with a sigh, my body relaxed in the couch and it felt like I became one with it. As I was about to doze off my phone began to buzz from my bag. I grab the barely functioning device to see it was Yoongi's caller I.D., with excitement I answer the call.

"Hello?" 'Hey, are you off of work?' I nod my head, 'dumbass he can't see you.' "Yeah I am, why?" I asked. I could hear Yoongi clear his throat. 'Can I ask you a question?' When Yoongi had asked, I could hear some sort of squeal come from the room. "Was that Seokjin?" I asked, I could hear Yoongi put the phone to his chest and a shushing noise following. 'Yeah, anyway I have a question that I forgot to ask while you were here...' He continued on. A smile broke out onto my face, I have a pretty good idea as to what the question will be. "Go ahead," I encouraged. 'Do you prefer nightshift or dayshift because you seem more like a nightshift kind of girl.'

My jaw drops. "You're kidding right?" I could hear a distant, 'WHAT' come from the background then giggling coming from Yoongi. 'Of course I am, I never asked when you were here but, will you be my girlfriend?' The smile returns as well as the butterflies that have been around from the starts.

"I would love to be your girlfriend Yoongi."



AH this chapter was cute. also little fact, I work nightshift as a cna and its not as fun as I thought it would be but it pays for the gas that goes into my car so I'll take what I can get :D

next up is the epilogue hehe

Thanks for reading!

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