Chapter 15 - This is a Title

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Fionna's P.O.V.

" Ummmmm, I have to go now, Cake Must be worried sick of my disappearance."

I said thinking of any excuses.

Anything is better than sitting here while Suga has that weird devilish smirk. Even Cake's fury.

" Oh wait! Why don't you stay here for a while. We could have a tea party with the other princesses."

She exclaimed not wanting for me to go.

Tea party.

Now that's a joke right there.

" Sorry, but Cake should know that I'm fine. But thank you any ways for saving."

I was walking out of the palace like da boss!

I walked out of the kingdom and out of what could have been a terrible situation.

Where should I go though?

Should I go back with Cake?

I'll just check if she's okay.

I headed towards the treehouse but stayed vigilant of any danger.

The walk gave me enough time to think of everything.



You forgot to ask Marshall about the fight.

Marshall Lee would never hurt Prince Gumball..............

Scratch that.

He would never hurt him BADLY enough to him to get Bubba to hurt him back.

I'll just ask him next time. Gotta make me some sticky notes!

I just hope he has forgiven me from last night.

I still remember when Lexile's lips kissed mine and I felt his warmth of his naked chest against mine. The passio- OOOOOHHHH MYYYYY GLOOOOOOOOOOOB, FIOOOOOOONNAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!


I slapped my self back and forth again.

By the time it's nighttime I'll be a ripe juicy tomato.

Let's just hope he's over it.

Oh, hey!

I'm here.

" Cake? Are you in here?"

I yelled, opening the door.

" No!"

Cake answered on the sofa with her arms crossed.

" Cake, I'm sorry I went off like that but I hustled wanted to not get clawed by you."

" Wow, That was a great apology, I can't even express to you how amazing that was. Everybody clap at Fionna's apology. Bravo!"

Cake said with the most sarcasm I have heard all day from her followed by a slow sarcastic clap.

" Thank you, thank you. You are all very kind."

I curtsied.

We laughed and hugged like any sibling would do to their sibling after a fight.

" So where did you go, Fi? You were gone for a long while. Did sown thing happen?"

" No, its just that I fell asleep for a while and Suga thought that I had passed out or something thing and she had taken me to her palace."

I kept the part of the dream to myself because if Cake knew what the dream was, she would flip out and put an end to My relationship with Marshall.

" That must have been awkward, gurl. Since we forgot to go to her 'date' and everything."

" Wait, she didn't say anything about the date now that I think about it, she wasn't even at the palace, she said that she was coming back from a meeting. She also had just asked me this really weird question."

I must have been really sleepy since I just now notice these things.

" What was the question?"

" If I knew who Marshall Lee was dating. I told her me and then SMACK! devil face planted on her face."

Instead of grinning, Cake was worrying.

" Fionna, I'm worried,"

What a shocker!

" maybe she has an evil intention. What else could have made her have that face?!" Cake went on.

" Let me see; seeing lemon grab, eating a sour candy, seeing me in the morning, or seeing Marshall nak- NEVERMIND!!!!"

Cake was really mad this time.

" WHAT WAS THAT!!!!!!!!????"

Here we go again.

~A few yelling conversation later~

" Mmmmdpfhsgsvsbnmmmm"

I was laying in my bed with my face in my pillow, mumbling words.

Root Beer.

*Ring* *Ring*


I reach for the phone that was on my shelf and answered.

" Hello?"

" Hello? Is this Fionna?"

This person sounds familiar.

" Yes. To whom am I speaking with?"

" It's me, Raven."


" RAVEN!!!!!!!! I haven't heard from you guys for a long while, even though we saw each other yesterday!"

I screamed through the phone.

" We've missed you too Fionna!"

" So what's up?"

" Well, I just wondering if you could do us a favor?"

" Alright. what is it?"

" Well, you see, Marshall Lee and the rest of the guys are drunk and I was hoping you could help Sky and I to control them."

They're what?

"What does drunk mean?"

Raven laughed.

What was so funny?!

" It's when you have drank too much alcohol and you act a funny way."

Oh. Marshall had told me a little bit about alcohol. I didn't know it made you do that kind of stuff.

I can't wait to see what they're doing right now.

I laughed at the image of them doing stupid stuff.

" I'll comer over as soon as I can, I'm definitely bringing the camera!!"

I am DEFINITELY bringing the camera recorder.

" CAKE! Do you know where the camera recorder thingy is!?"

I yelled from upstairs.

" I think it's in the closet! AND STOP YELLING!!!!!!!!"

I covered my ears and squinted.

Bubba's right.

We do need therapy.

I look inside the closet and try to find it.

Got It!

Now off to Drunk town!!!

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