Chapter 20 - Death

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Sorry guys that it's such a short chapter. I just didn't want to keep you guys' waiting.

Lexile's P.O.V.

" Marshall."

I was surprised to hear him, calmy, call me. Especially after that has happened.

" H-Hey Marshall, what's up?"

My voice was wobbly since I didn't know what to do in this situation, or act that is.

" I just wanted to call you and apologize. For what I did yesterday, and I'm really sorry for treating like shit. Can we leave the past behind us, and, ya know, still be bet brohs?"

" No...............

way! That was the cheesiest apology ever!!!! Yeah I forgive you man. How about we hang out tomorrow and go prank some dweebs at the Candy Kingdom?!"

The other line was silent.

" I don't know man, the Candy Kingdom is...............too cliché, let's try something else, like the Cloud Kingdom! It'll be Soooooo funny."

I was having misgivings about Marshall. What was with that silence? Did he wanna hide something? Whatever I'll just wanna have a few a laughs with my friend and relax.

" Alright man, let's meet at seven so you won't burn to death."

We laughed and hung up.

We're back.

Gumball's P.O.V.

I was busy preparing the decorations, for the ball, making the invitations, and hiring caters. I had announced the Ball to Suga and she was surprised at first but then she had went along with it. It was all working rhythmically and in order.....Perfect!

*Ring* *Ring*

My Candy phone was ringing in the other room. I know it sounds stupid but It actually is made out of real candy and not a toy.

" Hello, Prince Gumball speaking to whom am I speaking with?"

" Gumball! Help! Cake is unconscious and I can't take her to the hospital because I'm hurt!! Please help us!!"

I panicked at first but I had reassured Fionna to stay calm, to give me the location and told her that I would be there, which I will be. I hung up the phone and excused myself to peppermint maid.

I whistled for Swan, my pet animal that was of course a swan, and headed towards The Lava Trail of Death. I was above in the air seeing if I could find her. She had told me that they were at the end of the trail.

I spotted them laying on the long spiked grass. Fionna must have fell unconscious due to the heat of the Lava ,which they were close to, that must have given her a heat stroke. I landed on the ground and got off.

" Fionna! Wake up! Wake up! We need to get you two out of here!"

I checked her pulse. It was pumping. Thank Goodness. I grabbed Fionna's hips and lifted her to my back. I held on to her with my right hand while I carried Cake in the other. I lifted them up onto Swan, which could only carry three people at the same time, and jumped on. I just hope I make it on time.

We land infront of the hospital with a swift movement and carry both Cake and Fionna to the Emergency Room where we met Mr. PoundCake inside carrying two sweet beds. I gently put them on the bed and began to rapidly ran towards my lab. I check again their pulses', all clear. I put a wet towel over Fionna's head and told Mr. PoundCake to accompany her. I went to Cake and checked her temperature. It was 121•. She had a high temperature. Her fur was tainted with blackness. She must have been burned. Doctor Prince immediately walks over. He told me I should wait outside for now. I backed away and stayed in the waiting room. I called Suga to tell her the news. She told me she would get here as quick as she could.

I just hope that Nothing happens to Fionna.

Suga's P.O.V.


SHE'S DYING!!!!!!!!! That'll mean that less work for me, but then again there's the big ball that Gumball had. That was just a coincidence. Or was it? I guess I'll just have to investigate on that later after I make the funeral.

I called the royal carriage to come to pick me up and escort me to the hospital where Fionna is dying and my wish is blooming.


All according to plan. >:]

Fionna's P.O.V.

I see a glowing light. I'm surrounded by blackness and only a narrow path to the light. I move towards it, making every step a vigilant one. I was inches away.

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