Chapter 17 - Us Humans

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Fionna's P.O.V.

I was spilling tears all over the place.

Cake cuddled me even though I knew that she wanted to lecture me about how She told me so that Marshall was a bad guy and that I shouldn't have ran away today to go see him.

Although I haven't told her yet about the sex, drunk, and booby parts but kept that all to myself fearing that Cake might start another Mushroom war.

Oh, Glob.

I cried harder, eventually crying myself to sleep, hoping that the dream I have would be more 'colorful'.

Cake had gone to her bed, but not before tucking me into bed.

~ Fionna's Dream~

" Fi, stop it! It tickles!!"

Marshall said laughing as I brandished a feather close to his neck.

" That's what you get you big vampire bully!"

I said giggling.

Marshall had suddenly grabbed me bridal style and swung me in the air.

" EEEEK!!!!!"

Marshall chuckled and caught me as I landed in his arms.

" My blue little bunny."

He says to me smiling. A real warm smile.

" I love you, so much."

I respond as I tug onto him and cuddle in his arms.

" Love you too, Fi."

He hugged me tighter.

The hug felt so warm and so.........................................................


~ Wakes Up~

I opened my eyes and ripping them from the left over tiredness and discovering a human that was embracing me.

Joselyn's P.O.V.



Fionna's P.O.V.

" Lexile!! What are you doing here?!"

I half whispered and half screamed at him not wanting to disturb the protective feline sibling that was near.

" I just had to see if you were okay. Are you?" Lexile said with a worried tone, while letting me go since he probably knew I was feeling uncomfortable.

Which I was.

" I don't know anymore. After everything that has happened, it seems impossible to feel that way."

I was just suddenly let all of my emotions out to Lexile. He was like Marshall, but now.................

Marshall exists no more.

" Yeah.....about what happened at the club, I didn't mean to mess your guys' relationship. It's just that, GLOB Fionna!!! I love you so much!!"

Lexile had smashed his lips into mine and grabbed my chin.

His kisses were too powerfully alluring for me to handle and had I kissed him back.

I moved my hands up to his face and his hands onto my hips.

Even thought it felt breathtaking, it didn't seem right.

I pulled out of our kiss and looked into his bright green emerald eyes.

They were mystical and mysteries......two words that described him.

" No Lexile, I can't. I can't get my heart broken again......not again."

I felt my eyes begin to tear up again but was halted when Lexile had hugged me.

" I understand. Just be careful and don't abuse that I.D. card. Use it irresponsibly and you'll get it taken away by me."

He said with a fake serious look.

We laughed.

" Mmmmanapphphphphphhsgd."

" Oh shoot! I had forgotten about Cake!"

I say to the being as Cake grumbles in her sleep.

" Cake?" He asked confused.

" My adopted sister, the cat that's in the bed."

He looked over at her and grinned.

" Oh, I thought that was a unicorn in boat." He says sarcastically.

We both laugh.

" Well, I should get going. I have to sleep too." He yawns.

" Well, duh! We're humans after all. I just can't believe that there is atleast one more human being in AAH. I thought we ha been extinct."

It filled me with great relish to know that I wasn't alone, that my species still had a chance to live on.

" Wh-What?"

Lexile was confused and dumbstruck.

He looked down and a smile appeared on his face.

" Yeah, you're right. Us humans do need our rest."

I was confused at why he was confused.

Did he not know what human was? Did he not know that he was human?

I'll get back to these questions later, like he said, us humans need our rest.

" Good bye Fi."

Lexile says as he hear to the window.

" Wait!"

I get up and run at him, locking him into a hug with my arms.

" Bye, Lex."

He blushed a punted pink and repeated the action.

" Bye."

Love or War-A Fiolee StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant