Can I Have This Dance?

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Inspired by the movie on Netflix && the Broadway show 'Prom'

The small apartment is quiet, aside from the movie playing on the television screen. Sitting on the couch, Barry is content with the woman curled up in his arms. He can smell her heavenly shampoo mixed with the faint scent of her perfume. He smiles down at the beauty then leans down to place a tender kiss on her forehead.

Her face scrunches in slight confusion as she looks up at him. "What was that for?" she smiles.

"Because I wanted to," he chuckles then leans back to lay another kiss on her.

She giggles at the affection, leaning into his touch. "I'm not complaining," she smiles then turns back to the movie at hand.

Luckily for them, the meta crime rate has been at an all-time low. In turn, they are able to enjoy a simple day together. Popcorn half-eaten on the coffee table, a blanket covering both of them, Caitlin wrapped in his arms, and a movie to watch together.

It is Caitlin's turn to pick and after hearing of this new movie dropping on Netflix's and knowing Barry's love for musicals picked 'Prom'.

"We should go to New York City one day and maybe go watch a Broadway show," she says, turning her head to look up at him. "What do you think?"

"Hmm, sounds exciting," he smiles. "It might be nice to see one instead of being in one," he chuckles, thinking of the time with Music Meister.

She playfully rolls her eyes. "Oh, don't act like you didn't enjoy singing," she giggles. "You have such a great voice," she adds, looking at him with admiration.

"No!" He chuckles, shaking his head. "The singing was fun but, aside from my shower head only you had heard me sing - at the time," he bites his inner cheek, looking at her with intimacy. "I kinda liked the idea of it being our thing, you know?"

Her cheeks blush to a cute crimson that she tries to hide by burying her face into his chest. He chuckles and holds her tight - close as possible. "Yeah," she mumbles with a smile. Lifting her head up, chin on his chest, "It was nice for the time being."

Barry half-smiles, leaning forward to brush his lips against hers. "Maybe Broadway can be our thing then?"

"Maybe," she side nods, her eyes with mirth closing the gap for a short passionate kiss. Smiling in satisfaction, she lays back against his chest.

"Maybe," Barry repeats under his breath, holding her tight.

They continue to watch the movie scene after scene with comments from Caitlin every now and again. With each question she asks, he can't help but chuckle at how adorable she is. Forgetting this is his first watching the movie, he answers her every time.

"I just don't understand why they all had to make such a big deal about Emma wanting to dance with her girlfriend. Love is love," she states, talking with her free as her other remains around his waist.

"I couldn't agree more," he smiles, kissing the top of her head. "I'm happy they finally got to have their dance in the end," he adds as the credits roll.

"Oh most definitely," she smiles. "They deserved it!"

She pushes herself off his chest to sit next to him and stretch. Barry sits up, pulling the blanket off to stretch himself. He side-eyes his girlfriend as words are caught in his mouth. She looks at him suspiciously then gives him the look knowing something is wrong.

He sighs, shaking his head. "It's getting late. I should be heading out," he points to the door, slowly standing up.

"Barry?" she stresses, arching her eyebrow.

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