Chapter 1

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Hello, author here for a short notice before the story. I'm gonna switch character POV's every chapter or two. I want you to get to know both sides of the story and life. This also helps me to make the story longer!



My name is Aristotle Mendoza. You can tell by my name that I'm not at all American. My papa's side of the family is American though. I grew up in San Juan, Puerto Rico. I have lived there all my life. My family is large and my aunt just had twins making the house more packed. San Juan is the capital of Puerto Rico so you can only imagine how crowded it was. My family doesn't understand space.

Though when my Aunt had her twins my parents realized that there needed to be a change. My mom speaks little to no English but I was taught in school since Puerto Rico is allies to the English cultures so it made sense to learn. Plus America is part of our culture. 

Anyway, in the end, we ended up moving to America. To be more specific where my old man grew up. Boulder Colorado. I get to be close to my American grandparents. My papa's parents. It seemed like a nice place. We aren't fully unpacked but my parents had to enroll me and my siblings into school. It was my senior year. Of course, it wasn't the beginning of the year it was October but better than nothing. I have an older brother who stayed back in Puerto Rico for university. I have a younger brother in the first grade and two sisters one in 7th grade and one being a freshman. So basically it's just me and my papa as the guys of the house. 

Before I knew it I was walking down the steps from my room to the first floor with my school bag. 

"¡Mamá, papá, me voy a la escuela!" (Mom, Dad I'm heading to school!)" I said loud enough for them to hear me.

"Que tengas un buen primer dia!" (Have a good first day!) I heard my mom shout back. I know ma's struggling being here. When she can't speak English. Luckily she has papa. My parents own a restaurant here. The building was for sale and they are excellent cooks and it has always been their dream. 

I slipped my converse on as I left my house. I got the chance to know the direction of the school. We lived closer than I thought so I didn't need to use the bus. I can drive just have to live here a bit before I can test as an American. Or at least till July when I turn 18. 

I hoped onto my bike and took off in the direction of the high school. 

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