Chapter 9

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Natsu POV

I stayed at that booth with Aristotle for a bit. I drank so much soda. Of course, he joked about it. It's not my fault I like mango Spanish soda. 

"There are other flavors," I said shocked. I must've spoken louder than usual because Aristotle looked a bit taken back. "Oh my god I need more," I said with a small yawn. 'Maybe next time. We are closing' he signed. 

Have I really been here for that long. Guess it's been a while that I've talked to someone. Signed to them. Someone knew. I know more about Aristotle it felt almost nice. I looked down at my phone looking at the time. 'I need to go home' I signed getting up. 'Thanks for just hanging out with me it's been a while since I've hung out with anyone new' I signed. 'Let me walk you home since it's getting later' he said. I shook my head. 'No your parents might need you' I signed. I was about to sign something else when he grabbed my hands. "Lets go" he spoke. I don't get a choice do I?

I sighed and nodded. He let go of my hands and we walked out. I kinda miss his hands. It was a new feeling. Kinda reminds me of the warmth of a baseball mitt. The warmth. I looked down at my hands as we walked. I felt Aristotle grab my arm pulling me. 'Watch your walking. That's how I hit you this morning' he signed. 'Sorry' I said and looked up. He's right. Don't know why I'm thinking about his hands for once. 

It was hard to walk and sign so I could tell it was a quiet walk. Eventually we stopped at my house. 'Thanks again' I signed. He nodded. He moved his gaze meaning someone came outside. Nasumi pushed me to the side and got close to Aristotle. Do they know each other?

Of course, they know each other. Nasumi saw a new toy. Aristotle won't be around for long. Nasumi obviously has taken a liking to him. There went a friendship. I sighed a bit and left into the house shutting the door behind me. I kept my head low as I headed back to my room and fell onto my bed. 

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