Chapter 19

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Natsu POV

My dad didn't know I was dating let alone at his house. But he did know I wasn't home. I was with Naomi he thought. 

I have a doctor's appointment and My dad has to be there since I'm under 18. Stupid right. I hate appointments makes me feel crappy about how I can't hear. I didn't want to tell Aristotle to worry about it. 

I sat on the table as the Doctor was examining my ears. My dad wasn't even paying attention he was sitting on his phone. The doctor finished and turning talking to my dad. I couldn't read his lips since he was looking away. I could see my dad saying no and shaking his head. Something about no time and that's just how things are. 

My dad got up and told me to come on now that that was finished. "Natsu," The doctor's lips said as he looked at me. I stopped looking at him. He handed me a packet then patted my shoulder. "This would be your last chance," he said. I looked down. Surgery?

I hid the packet in my bag and left the room catching up to my dad who was about to leave me. 

I sat in my room on my bed and looked at the packet. My last chance. That means that eventually soon I'll go full deaf. That it will be too late. I looked up when my lights flickered seeing Nasumi standing there. "You're not actually thinking about it are you," her lips read. "No of course not," I spoke. "Good because unless you pull money out of your ass you can't afford it. Plus when you become normal your not special anymore. To anyone," she said then turned around and left.

She's right... Deafness brought me bullies and life changes. But I found my real friends. I gave up baseball. It lead me to meet Aristotle. He understood me. But what happens when I'm normal. I wiped my tears that fell and put it back in my bag. 

I can't loose him. 

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