Chapter 24- Epilogue

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My name is Natsu. At 15 years old I lost my hearing or at least the majority of it to a traumatic injury plain baseball that affected a part of my brain called the temporal lobe. My life had dramatically changed from them being able to go from one place to another and not know what people are saying because you can't hear them because you can't hear the small things like the sound of nature really took a toll.

my family life changed and I lost touch and distance with my dad and sister. then some guy ran into me on my way to school one day and my life changed. Aristotle. My boyfriend of no 2 years.

That's right you heard me correctly. 2 years have passed since I woke up in that hospital bed and could hear. was my hearing at 100%, no but I could hear most of the time as long as things weren't super quiet. I stayed with Aristotle and his family For the remainder of my senior year and I wasn't super open to letting everybody know that I could hear again I didn't want people to change how they thought of me for the second time because the senior year was almost over I met the love of my life. and I still keep in touch with my family it's nothing like it used to be still but a small text every once in a while never hurt

"You must really love the sounds of the ocean" Aristotle said walking down to me on the beach where I was sitting. Oh I forgot to mention. Ari and I have been on a get a way for a week here in Hawaii. Big jump I know. But its away. Waters away to be exact. And it was nice. Just the two of us and whatever we wanted to do.

"Hey I missed out on it for almost 10 years let me have my moment," I said in response as Ari handed me a cold glass of probably some sort of alcohol but I didn't really care. I put the straw to my mouth as Ari moved laying his head in my lap looking over at the waves that just barley reached my feet.

"I want to take you somewhere tonight, so be prepared, nothing to fancy," Ari said looking up at me as I met his gaze looking down at him. "Somewhere special, this whole vacation is somewhere special," I said in response giving him a small smile.

My voice will never sound like it used to before the accident but I did go to therapy and got help with pronunciation after so long of not hearing your own voice it was weird to be able to speak in the right ways. And honestly, it was a tough road being able to learn everything all over again being able to get used to how things sounded to pay attention to one thing over the other. But I did it. Even if there were some rough nights with Ari there to hold me. But I made it. I want things to stay like this forever.

"Your right but this is a different part of the island, go get dressed and prepare to be mind blown," Ari said sitting up as he took the cup from my hands drinking it as I let out a far dramatic huff getting up from sitting in the sad making my way back to the hut putting on at least somewhat nicer clothes. Ari did return after that as he took my hand taking me with him out of the hut.

The island was truly beautiful I mean definitely those summery vibes. Wherever Ari was taking me included a bus that took us I think to the other side of the island are pretty close to it. there were these pretty docks with people and fountains over the ocean. It looked to be some sort of festival today with people around dancing talking and all the other above. I blinked already seeing Ari ahead of me as I jogged up jumping onto his back. "Somewhere special and you were leaving me. I'll be left on this island forever and ever" I said resting my chin on his shoulder as Ari walked on the doc.

"You were spacing out like you always do," he said walking holding me up as we looked at booths of things being sold, different food, and the music.

Though This ended up with us standing at the end of the pier looking out at the clear water as the warm wind hit our faces. "I want to spend the rest of my life just like this, just us," I said smiling a bit.

"Well I can't promise the here forever thing but us. We could be forever" He spoke as I moved my gaze over to him. "Ari what are you doing," I said as he moved a bit closer and was digging around in his pocket. My whole world stopped seeing a shiny band with a blue stone on it being pulled out. Oh my fucking god.

"Well, um the whole reason I brought us here-" he started before I stopped him not really meaning to, "yes" I spat before he let out a small laugh. "Ok ok let me at least finish I had this whole speech," he said. "Okay okay go go," I said motioning for him to hurry.

"Natsu, The day I ran into you was the day my life changed. That no matter if you were weird or deaf or kind of goofy. I had someone in a new place where I didn't fit" he spoke as I already felt the waterworks beginning to well in my eyes

"And I want to spend the rest of my life with you so I'll really cut all the sappy words. Will you marry me" He said. "Yes Ari Yes I'll fucking marry you" I said smiling brightly as Ari's smile met mine our lips colliding as I wrapped my arms around him kissing him back. The kiss broke after a few moments as he slid the ring onto my finger. Which of course It fit perfectly.

"Now come on I want to have sex" He said grabbing my hand pulling me with him headed back to the hut.

This was definitely quite the love story.

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