Chapter 11

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Natsu POV

Aristotle has been acting weird lately. Maybe it's because it's been a week and I can never get used to having someone other than Naomi around. I hang out at his parent's restaurant a lot most of the time. 

So yes, I've gotten to try more flavors of the Spanish soda. Nothing beats Mango but their all good. Aristotle's mom waves when she sees me. I don't think they know I'm deaf plus she looks awkward which probably because she can't speak English. 

I haven't met his dad yet. Which I don't need to. 

My sister is beyond pissed. I mean Aristotle will talk to her but then just walk off to see me. Guess she finally figured out she can't get what she wants. Aristotle said she constantly points out I'm deaf. Of course, she does. Nasumi tells everyone that. Like it's some deadly plague. 

Naomi says it's nice to see me opening up to people. I wouldn't say opening up. Aristotle and I talk but it's never about ourselves. I don't want to drag him into such a mess. He talks about his homelife in Puerto Rico sometimes which is nice. I've never even been outside the state let alone to another country. Puerto Rico sounds so different but in a cool way.

It's been a week and a half since Aristotle has arrived. Currently, it was after school on a Friday. I was putting away stuff at my locker. I shut my locker and jumped a bit seeing Aristotle leaning against the lockers next to mine. 'What did I say about sneaking up like that' I signed with an annoyed look. 'Sorry' he signed back. 'My parents have an off day so the restaurant is closed but I want to hang out. So you pick a spot' he signed.

Me? I never hang out anywhere. I don't want him at my house because of Nasumi and my dad. Plus with Naomi next door. 'I have a place I go a lot' I signed. 'Great text me the location and we will meet later' he signed back. I nodded as he smiled at me and turned around heading off. I turned as Naomi had approached me and smiled happily. "Ready?" her mouth read. I nodded and left the school with her. I would walk with her since she says we don't hang out as much anymore and walking home after school gave us a chance to catch up on things. Naomi started dating a guy so now we really don't hang out as much anymore. 

I walked home and said bye to Naomi then working on homework and stuff. I tole Aristotle I had a place but I really didn't. Not my house so where.

Oh the baseball field! I smiled a bit knowing as I pulled out my phone and sent him the location of the baseball diamonds. The place was the kind of place where you could drive and park but have to walk to get there. It wasn't a long walk it was short uphill. 

I put my phone away as the message transitioned to read. I stood up and headed out of the house. Nasumi was in her room so I made sure I wasn't loud. She can't find out I hang out with Aristotle outside of school. I make up that I'm with Naomi to her and my dad. I can't loose a friend because of my family. 

'Hey' Arisotle signed as I approached him. He had arrived and was sitting on the bleachers. I hope I didn't make him wait long. 

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