Chapter 8

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Aristotle POV

I felt so bad when Naomi told me he was deaf. All this time I wondered what his problem was. The problem was he can't here. 

I practically begged Naomi for Natsu's number which she finally gave in. I needed a place to meet him. It would be awkward to go to my place definitely with my siblings or to his place. I don't even know the guy. 

That's right! my parent's restaurant I can meet him there. 

I texted him and helped my parents in the back. I heard the door ding. That had to be him. I walked out and saw him. I felt a faint smile appear on my face as I tapped on his shoulder. I jumped a bit and his blue eyes met mine. 


I could tell he was taken back when I signed at him. I forgot ASL isn't taught in a lot of places. It felt nice to talk with him. You know now that I understand.

He seemed to love the soda too he smiled when he drank it. I'll keep note. 

"Aristotle, Hijo (son)" My mom said walking out of the kitchen with her apron on. "Mama, Hola" I said smiling at her. "Es este un amigo?" (Is this a friend?). I nodded. I saw Natsu look over to my mom. My mom didn't say anything she just waved and Natsu waved back. She decided to leave us be and go back to working. 

'Who was she?' he signed looking at me.

'My mom' I signed back at him. 'sorry she's not good at all at English' I signed again. 

'It's good can't hear anyways' he signed. I dropped my smile a bit when he signed that. 'Don't feel bad then I'll hate you' he signed. "I don't feel bad" I said with a huff. I heard a soft laugh come from him. "Hey" I said looking at him and gave a glare. 

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