Chapter 4

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Still Aristotle POV


I walked into the classroom. "Ah! You must be our new student!" The female teacher spoke standing up from her desk. I heard the class begin to quiet down when she spoke. And the eyes were on me again.

"Yes that's me" I said giving a friendly smile. "Okay class everyone quiet!" she said clapping her hands and then looked back at me. "Please introduce yourself," she said smiling. 

I turned my gaze to the kids in the class. I didn't look at everyone just mainly the first two rows. "Uh. My name is Aristotle you can all me Ari. I just moved here from Puerto Rico. Nice to meet you," I said. "Okay well you can find an open seat and that can be your assigned seat... Let's start class," she said. I looked around as a few lingering gazes were on me. I found a spot near the middle. Taking a seat behind a girl with blonde short hair. She didn't look slutty so she looked safe. 

The class began to take out their notebooks when the teacher began talking. I feel awkward without notes. I took out a notebook at least and looked around my backpack. I don't even have a pencil? Are you serious?!

The girl in front of me was focused on her own notes, plus didn't look like she had an extra pencil. I looked around awkwardly. I started to shift to ask whoever was sitting behind me. 

I turned and felt my heart stop. Sidewalk boy was in my class. He was even sitting behind me. How did I not notice. I mean he had white how. "Hey," I whisper. He was really focused on the teacher. Like way more than anyone else. Maybe he was the teachers pet.

I lightly tapped his hand. I saw him flinch a bit when I did. I made sure to not touch his scratches so, why did he flinch. His blue eyes met my brown ones. He looked kind of annoyed. "Do you have a pencil," I spoke. I was trying not to get caught so my voice wasn't loud enough it was barely bearable. I hope he heard me. 

He stared at me blankly for a moment. Did he hear me? He shifted putting his hand in his bag and pulled out a pencil handing it to me. I nodded as a thank you and turned around looking back ahead and began writing notes. 

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