Late Christmas special

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Sorry I couldn't get this out sooner, I am really busy , so it's gonna be real short, I'm kind of tipsy too soooo

Y/N's eyes shot open when she felt Garnet roll over into her, "No Garnet! " She tried to push her lover off, but only resulted in failure. Y/N huffed, "Good morning" Garnet mumbled, she buried her head into Y/N's neck. Dawn babbled from her crib. "Good morning to you too" Garnet chuckled.

Y/N groaned as Garnet got up, soon she got up herself and stretched, "Oh boy" she said when there was banging on the temple door from Steven. "GUYS! Get UP! IT'S CHRISTMAS!" Steven yelled as Y/N got dressed, "We're comin! We're comin! Hold your horses Kid!" She yelled. Y/N picked Dawn up and Walked out of the temple with Garnet.

Steven was bouncing happily as everyone else came out of their rooms. Amethyst grinned at Steven. "PRESENTS!" Steven squealed, "we have to wait till Greg gets here buddy" Y/N yawned. Steven pouted, and sat on the couch. Y/N started making breakfast, watching Dawn from the corner of her eye.

Soon there was a knock at the door, Steven opened the door to see Connie and Greg. "EEEEEE!" Steven squealed louder. "Jesus" Y/N rubbed the side of her head, "Calm it Stevie" amethyst laughed.

Y/N leaned on Garnet, humming. Steven started opening presents as everyone watched him, "Merry Christmas Steven" Y/N Whispered

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