All you need to know

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[Y/N] = your name

[M/N] = middle name

[L/N] = last name

[H/C] = hair color

[E/C] = eye color

[S/C] = skin color

And a few facts about the way things are gonna go down in this book.

In my Au, gems can get female humans pregnant, and once the baby is born, the gems can stay alive, though, the baby will have the gems gemstone, it is duplicated once the baby gets the right size.

once the baby is born, the human is incredibly drained, and out of energy, which is why after the birth she should be given water every hour, because she will be dehydrated, even if the baby is a water gem.

during birth, the powers of the baby that was inherited from her gem mother, will go haywire, sparking up at random times during and before birth, which is why you shouldn't take the human to the hospital, and do it from home.

Mates- gems that are married or are deeply in love are considered mates in this AU, for example, ruby and sapphire would be considered Mates, including [Y/N] and Garnet. But it doesn't matter if they are human or gem, a gems mate is their main priority, and are happier, and will be protective around their mate, larger gems can and will get aggressive with whomever touches their mate in the wrong way, or at all. with smaller gems it's different, they tend to curl up into their mates side, or are submissive, except for the famethysts, but then again, it doesn't matter if one is small or big, they are gonna act like a normal large gem would if their mate is a human. If a gems mate is expecting a child, the gems instinct will kick in and will make sure their mate is comfortable in everyway.

The other mate, in this case [Y/N], will become increasingly moody as the pregnancy goes on, she will tend to keep to herself and even feel side effects of the child's powers. But since the other parent is Garnet, there is no telling whether the baby will have a Garnet gemstone, a ruby, or a sapphire. During the pregnancy, Garnets future vision is blurred and is unable to see into the future with [Y/N] around, or if it's the future of the baby. And the mood swings won't help at all, [Y/N] will get incredibly emotional with everyone, including her Mate.

I'll try to get chapter 1 out as soon as possible

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