Chapter 12

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A growling sound flies through the air. She was hungry it was obvious. She hasn't eaten since breakfast. It sounds off again louder. That's not her stomach. Footsteps are heard. She turns around.

A huge dragon-like corrupted beast is standing behind her. Flames seeped out of its mouth.

—- an hour earlier

Steven played with Dawn, as Garnet was too busy pacing around the room. She was worried. She hadn't seen Y/N since the morning and it was getting darker outside by the minute. Garnet bit her lip, looking out the windows. She could feel herself falling apart, Ruby and Sapphire were arguing. She had to stay together, she could unfuse, AFTER, Y/n got home. Pearl walked in looking quite pleased, that is until she saw the state of her leader.

"What's wrong, Garnet?" Pearl asked the troubled fusion.

"Y/N hasn't been home all day!" Garnet answered sounding a lot more like a particular red gem only for her tone to suddenly change to a more calm one. "were worried that something might have happened to her"

"as far as I know she is just having a tantrum about me winning our duel" Pearl answered going to the kitchen to clean the number of dirty dishes.

"what duel?" Garnet asked more in sync.

"Oh, she didn't tell you? It started quite immaturely actually. She called herself a leader and I bet her that she couldn't ever defeat a corrupted gem on her own, so she dueled me to a sword fight for this afternoon. Of course, I won. Shes probably throwing a tantrum about losing" Pearl replied

"Pearl...." Garnet grunted, making Pearl look at her, "Y/n technically is the leader"

"Oh well. Still don't think that she could defeat a corrupted gem on her own. As I told her she'd have to prove it" Pearl replied. It was quiet for a moment, the only noise was the sounds of the oblivious child playing with Steven. Until something came to mind. "Garnet ... you don't think she ..."

"... Oh no" Garnet raced to the warp pad followed closely behind by Pearl. They both knew how stubborn the woman could be and she might as well be in danger.

--- With Y/N

The human woman knew she couldn't fight the beast, she was too tired. But her own pride and the anger she felt towards Pearl's words boiled inside of her. She wouldn't back down. She gripped her sword tightly and charged at the beast. dodging every blast of fire that would spit her way. Again engaging in a dangerous dance but this time there was no if's or but's about the outcome, she was getting hurt. She knew this but she was blinded by her own pride. Continuing the dance at her own risk and life.

She couldn't keep up. She was flung to a tree again. She couldn't move, all the fire from her pride and anger slipped away leaving only freezing paralyzing fear. Her vision was blurry, and the world spun. The corruption was getting closer, ready to finish her.

"Y/N" Garnet screamed. Gaining the attention of the beast. "Hold on just a little longer!"

"I didn't mean for this to happen!!" Pearl said as they dodged the oncoming monster.

"This is all your fault!" Garnet replied to her Pinning the beast down. Pearl finished it off as Garnet ran to a beaten and dizzy Y/N.

"I'm so sorry!" Pearl said when she finally got to them. "I should have never said anything. We have to get her to Steven. He could heal her"

"grr. She might be too hurt. If she is, there is a high chance that her body will reject the healing and she'll become greatly sick. We have to get her to a hospital" She said while already running towards the warp. Y/N was blacking out, the last thing she heard was Garnet crying out. "Y/N please hold on! don't leave me!" Then blacked out.


A quiet beep sounded through the room.

Sapphire sat on a chair, silently crying, ice creeping up the wall slowly. She blamed herself for not seeing this coming. Ruby was the farthest away from Y/n, her breathing was the loudest thing in the room. Ruby wasn't herself, normally she would be on her way to shatter pearl, or maybe destroy something.

Another soft beep filled the room.

Sapphire looked up at the heart monitor, before looking at the woman in the hospital bed. It had been a few hours since they had checked Y/n into the hospital, she had been unconscious the entire time. Ruby hasn't spoken in a while, making the room eerily quiet. Sapphire looked down again, going back into her self blame.

A groan sounded out from the bed.

Both gems looked up quickly. Y/N has woken up, confused as to where she was. The light reflected off the white walls of the room hurting her eyes. She was covered in various bandages, her torso and arms having the most.

Y/N was quickly embraced by her two lovers, both in various states of disarray, but clearly relieved that she was awake.

"I should've seen this coming! I'm so sorry" Sapphire cried.

"What were you thinking!? You could've gotten killed!!" Ruby yelled. They kept on ranting, Y/N left confused as to what is going on. She remembered the corruption, yes, but her memory fogged up as to how she got here.

"Wait, guys. Where am I?" Y/N asked. Looking around to try and recognize the place. "Wait, am I in a hospital?" She asked while checking herself, finally noticing the bandages on her.

Sapphire nodded slowly, biting her lip.

"oh" was the only word that she could say. She felt foolish. She let her anger and pride control her and now she was here. "where is Dawn?"

"She's with Steven" Ruby said, fiddling with her fingers, refusing to make eye contact with Y/N. Y/N looked down, guilty for what she has done.

"Im sorry" Y/N said in a whisper. Her head hanging low.

"Sorry?" Ice started to crawl around the area Sapphire was standing. She couldn't hold it in any longer. "SORRY?! You could've died! Did you not think about what you were doing!!?"

"Im sorry ok?! I was being stupid! I let Pearl's words get to me!!" Y/N yelled back.

"why did you even listen to Pearl of all people!?" Ruby joined in on the yelling. Her temperature rising.

"I DON'T KNOW!!! ........ I don't know. I shouldn't have let it get to me ........ but she wasn't wrong" both Ruby and sapphire stopped at what Y/N said.

"what do you mean she wasn't wrong? She was totally wrong" Sapphire told her as she held her hand.

Y/N looked down, unable to look at either of them. "No. She was right. I'm no leader. I can barely defend myself. I couldn't defend myself when I got attacked a while ago and I couldn't defend myself now" a silence followed her words as neither Ruby or Sapphire knew how to answer. But the silence was soon broken when Ruby climbed up, sitting beside her, and tenderly lifted Y/N's head up to look at her with both hands.

"don't you dare think that. You are an amazing leader and you can defend yourself well enough. Your just tiring yourself out worrying about this" as Ruby finished, Sapphire floated up to the opposite side of Y/N and sat down beside.

"every word she said was true. And we love you for who you are. Please take care of yourself. We were so worried for you, we couldn't stay fused" Sapphire said.

"I'm sorry" Y/N said again embracing both of her lovers.

"we love you too" both gems replied back, cuddling back with Y/N.

"...... I'm launching Pearl into orbit when we get home" Ruby grumbled.

"please don't" Y/N pleaded.

"I'll make sure she doesn't" Sapphire finished as the three remained cuddling, Y/N soon dozing of you the comfort of her two lovers and the quiet beeps of the heart monitor.

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